Page 9 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
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PTP Welcomes the Arrival of Eight New Electric Rubber Tanjung Bruas Port Receives the World’s Largest Traditional
Tyred-Gantry Cranes (E-RTG) Chinese Wooden Sailing Ship at its Jetty
Manufactured by Mitsui E&S Co., Ltd., a world leader in Recognised as the world’s largest traditional Chinese wooden
port equipment, these cranes represent the first delivery sailing ship, ‘Fu Ning’ was berthed in Tanjung Bruas for 7 days
of a larger agreement between PTP and Mitsui E&S upon arrival. The ship itself, which can accommodate up to
to procure a total of 83 single-lift E-RTG cranes. The new 42 people at a time, was crafted from teak and rosewood,
E-RTG cranes boast advanced features designed to improve with measurements of 41.6 metres in length, 12 metres
operational efficiency and environmental performance in width, and a main mast height of 29 metres.
at PTP. The electric nature of the cranes eliminates emissions,
contributing significantly to PTP’s sustainability goals. 3-5 MAY
This aligns with the port’s commitment to reducing its carbon Northport Participates in the Program Madani Rakyat 2024
footprint by 45% by 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement.
Northport, together with Port Klang Authority, Westports and
26 APRIL PKFZ under the banner of Port Klang, participated in the
Northport Hosts Majlis Hari Raya Anugerah Northport 2024 Program Madani Rakyat (Northern Zone) held at Tapak Pesta
Sungai Nibong, Penang. Throughout the three-day programme,
In the spirit of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Northport hosted its the event featured various exhibitors from government
annual Hari Raya Open House gathering for its customers, agencies and private companies for public visitors.
business partners, government agencies, community leaders,
employees and other stakeholders. With the theme Raya
Anugerah, the event symbolised the essence of gratitude,
reflecting Northport’s journey towards excellence as part
of the Reinventing Northport initiative since 2016. The event
also acknowledged the dedication and efforts of every
employee of Northport by recognising their achievements.
Hari Raya Open House at Kontena Nasional Headquarters
Celebrating the joyous occasion of Hari Raya, Kontena
Nasional warmly opened its doors to welcome guests from
various institutions and agencies. From cherished traditions
to heartfelt connections, the day was filled with warmth,
laughter, and the beautiful spirit of togetherness. Kontena 5 MAY
Nasional extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined PTP Participates in the Good Jobs Career Fair
the open house, making this celebration truly special.
PTP’s HR team showed up in full force at the career fair,
30 APRIL held at the Sunway Big Box, to share valuable insights
Penang Port Participates in the Penang State Level regarding PTP as a platform for development and growth
as exemplified through the port’s policies and programmes.
Occupational Safety and Health Day Celebration
Open positions across various departments were also
The event, which was held at Penang Port Headquarters, had promoted to potential talent.
the theme of The Impact of Climate Change on Occupational Additionally, PTP featured in a special sharing session focusing
Safety and Health. on company best practices, where the Port’s unwavering
The ceremony was officiated by Tuan Hairozie bin Asri, commitment to empowering women in the workplace
Director of the Penang Occupational Safety & Health was highlighted with female marine pilots, firefighters and
Department together with Yang Berbahagia Ts. Dr. Abd operators taking the stage to share their career experiences
Rahman Mahmud, Chief Assistant Director of the Penang and aspirations.
Department of Environment.
MAY 2024 Northport Participates in the National Economic Forum 2024
Northport Sets New Record in Container Handling Northport participated in the National Economic Forum 2024,
a premier platform that brought together key stakeholders
Northport handled its highest monthly container throughput to discuss and chart the course for Malaysia’s economic
of 335,361 TEUs, surpassing the previous record of 310,865 future. The keynote address by YB Tuan Mohd Rafizi Ramli,
TEUs in December 2020 and representing a significant growth Minister of Economy was delivered by Ybhg Datuk Dr. Zunika
of 26.6 percent against May last year. binti Mohamed, Deputy Secretary General (Policy) of the
The latest result contributed to a successful first 5 months Ministry of Economy. Three-panel sessions were featured in the
of 2024, adding up to a total of 1,390,916 TEUs of containers, forum: The Madani Economy Vision, Malaysia’s Innovation
or an increase of 11.1 percent against the same period last year. Pathway, and Navigating Currency Fluctuations.
Penang Port Organises Aidilfitri Open House
Penang Port organised an Aidilfitri Open House with the
government agencies and port users at SPCT in George
Town. Dato’ Seri Syed Mohamad bin Syed Murtaza, Chairman
of Penang Port and Dato’ Sasedharan Vasudevan, the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO), was present to mingle and share
opinions with the invited guests.