Page 12 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
P. 12


          5 JUNE                                               11 JUNE
          Northport Receives the Completed Phase 1 of New Block K   Northport Participates in the CEO Roundtable Session
          Container Yard for Operations                        at Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN)
                                                               Industry-Academia Discourse on Advanced TVET
          The handover event, hosted by MMC Engineering Sdn Bhd,
          marked a double celebration in recognition of the successful   The event aimed to engage industry experts and government
          completion of Phase 1 Block K container yard and the     officials as they shared insights into the future and importance
          significant milestone of 200,000 manhours without Lost   of  Technical  and  Vocational  Education  and  Training  (TVET).
          Time Injury. The new Block K container yard is expected to   It also enabled participants to gain valuable knowledge
          provide additional capacity for the container terminal under    and strategies for advancing skills development, including
          the Reinventing Northport initiative.                upskilling and reskilling to meet market-driven demands
                                                               and transform TVET graduates into future-ready professionals.
          6 JUNE                                               The  CEO Roundtable  session  provided  an opportunity
          Northport Participates in  Bicara Santai Siri Podcast    for top-level executives from leading companies to exchange
          HRD Corp                                             ideas, address industry needs and issues, discuss governance,
                                                               and collaborate  on shaping  the  future  of TVET. Northport’s
          In conjunction with National Training Week (NTW) 2024,
          Northport’s CEO, Dato’ Azman Shah Mohd Yusof was invited   CEO, Dato’ Azman Shah Mohd Yusof was featured as a panelist
          to  feature  in  a  special  podcast  session.  The  podcast  was   at the session.
          broadcast across all HRD Corp social media channels and
          featured during the closing event of NTW.
          7 JUNE
         PTP Reaches Top 5 in Global Efficiency Ranking
         PTP solidifies its position as a top-performing trade gateway
         within the recently published 2023 Container Port Performance
         Index (CPPI), where PTP has risen from sixth to fifth
         in rankings.
         The CPPI, developed by The World Bank and S&P Global
         Market Intelligence, is based on the most extensive dataset to
         date, covering 405 ports worldwide. It includes over 182,000
         vessel calls, 238.2 million moves, and approximately 381 million
         TEUs for the entire calendar year of 2023. This impressive
         accomplishment in terminal efficiency has further bolstered
         PTP’s position as the top Southeast Asian port.

          11 JUNE
                                                               20 JUNE
         PTP Wins Services Sector Excellence Award in Category 4
         at Anugerah Kecemerlangan Industri (AKI) Awards 2024  Northport Participates in LogiSYM Malaysia 2024
                                                               (Logistics & Supply Chain Management Symposium)
         This accolade highlights PTP’s unwavering commitment to
         delivering  exceptional  services  and driving  innovation  within   LogiSYM Malaysia 2024 brought together shippers,
         the maritime industry, with Mark Hardiman, CEO of PTP, lauding   manufacturers,  government  officials, regulators,  NGOs,
         this achievement as a significant milestone that validates     3PLs, forwarders, and other industrial professionals from and
         PTP’s dedication to excellence.                       around Malaysia. The symposium bridged the gap between
                                                               supply chain concepts and technology, and real-world
         The ceremony was graced by YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim,   implementation. The event featured Northport’s CEO Dato’
         Prime Minister of Malaysia, alongside YB Senator Tengku     Azman Shah Mohd Yusof as a panelist for a session titled
         Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul bin Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of   “Ports and Rails”.
         Investment, Trade and Industry, who hosted the event and
         celebrated the winners and participants.              29-30 JUNE
                                                               Northport Participates in Seafarer & Lighthouse Carnival
                                                               Northport alongside Port  Klang Authority, Westports and
                                                               PKFZ under the banner of Port Klang participated in the
                                                               Seafarer and Lighthouse Carnival at the Straits Quay Marina,
                                                               Penang. The event, organised by the Malaysia Marine
                                                               Department, was held in conjunction with the Day of the
                                                               Seafarer (DOTS) and World Marine Aids to Navigation Day
                                                               (WATON). The carnival aimed to provide exposure  to  the
                                                               latest updates and best practices in the maritime sector.
                                                               It also served as a platform for industry players to network
                                                               and broaden their knowledge of the maritime industry.
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