Page 7 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
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Beyond timely maintenance, all ports are continuously upgrading their maintenance capabilities and automation for better
long-term reliability, all done to secure uninterrupted operations for port users in line with the latest standards.
Northport PTP
Northport has established measures and systems As a leading port in Malaysia, PTP has been at the forefront
to continuously evolve the maintenance capabilities of its of the predictive maintenance revolution, with recent
team in line with the port’s growing needs. maintenance works showcasing the port’s commitment
to leveraging advanced technologies for optimal equipment
Primarily, Northport has implemented initiatives such performance. PTP has successfully implemented
as predictive analytics and preventive maintenance predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring
programmes to determine when inspections and on its critical machinery, marking a significant advancement
maintenance tasks should be performed. in its maintenance strategy.
For its team, Northport has initiated Training and Skill Some key tools that apply this approach include the vibration
Development through Northport International Centre analyser, which preemptively monitors the vibrations
of Excellence (NICE) training modules and short courses of rotating machinery to detect imbalances, misalignments,
from Institut Latihan Perindustrian Kuala Lumpur to equip and other mechanical issues, as well as measures such
maintenance personnel with skills needed to maintain as ultrasound and thermography devices to complement
current equipment and technology while encouraging the vibration analysis, and oil sample analysis for technicians
and supporting staff to obtain relevant certifications to detect the presence of contaminants, wear particles,
such as welding works, electrical charge-man, qualified and other indicators of equipment distress. All of these
thermographer and Nondestructive Testing (NDT) tester. advanced predictive tools enhance the port’s proactivity
They have also utilised collaborative maintenance and lifespan, ensuring timely maintenance actions before
strategies, working alongside OEMs e.g. Dellner Bubenzer major errors or breakdowns as well as noteworthy cost
and Bromma Spreaders for specialised maintenance support savings.
and access to the latest brakes/spreader technologies and
spare parts. Besides this, the mitigation of environmental impact was also
considered in all maintenance activities. With sustainable
Penang Port considerations in mind, PTP has successfully reduced
the usage of lubrication by approximately 56,000 litres,
Penang Port is currently planning to improve its PTP has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability
port equipment’s reliability through the conceptual and environmental stewardship. By leveraging predictive
implementation of additional filtration systems and periodic maintenance technologies and prioritising sustainability,
oil analysis, both of which work to improve the quality PTP has not only enhanced its competitive edge but also set
of lubricating oil, leading to reduced costs and maintenance a precedent for the industry as a whole.
frequency for oil or filter changes.
Kontena Nasional
In an effort to reduce maintenance costs associated
with inefficient fuel usage and collisions, the drivers or
RKPs regularly participate in Defensive Driving Training,
promoting smooth, optimal driving and ultimately ensuring
the longevity of fleet vehicles. The RKPs also underwent
side loader training conducted by Steelbro to sharpen their
skills in safe and efficient operation.
Johor Port
The port’s M&R Department is primarily focused on Reliability
Centred Maintenance methodology and approach in its
maintenance works. Johor Port is focusing on the reliability
of a product as opposed to its efficiency to reduce the
operating costs and increase equipment service life.
In line with this ethos of increased reliability, Johor Port
is currently in the process of RAMCO implementation,
further improving the existing TOMMS Computerised
Maintenance Management System through generating
automated work order and improved mechanism monitoring
capabilities, which will decrease human errors.