Page 3 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
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          In this issue, we will share the latest   This is a major factor behind Malaysia’s   container vessel, MV OOCL Japan with a
          scoops on MMC Ports’ progress,     gross domestic product (GDP) growth   capacity of 21,413 twenty-foot equivalent
          upgrades, and activities as we arrive   of 4.2% for the first quarter of 2024,   units (TEUs), in its premises.
          at  the  halfway  point  of  the  year,   with Bank Negara also citing the rise
          showcasing how each port is steadying   of private expenditure in this uptick.   Most  notably,  Pelabuhan  Tanjung
          its operations to upkeep value for its                                Pelepas Sdn Bhd (PTP) was announced

          users and stakeholders nationwide   To  handle  this  improvement  in  as the world’s fifth most efficient port by
          amidst uncertain waters.           volume, it is imperative that all ports   the 2023 Container Port Performance
                                             are consistently functioning at their   Index (CPPI), as well as the top port
          Globally, international supply chain   peak to meet growing demands and   in the Southeast Asia region. This
          issues continue to persist due to ongoing   ensure smooth performance for all port   game-changing  feat  demonstrates
          conflicts and geopolitical disruptions   users. This can only be done through     PTP’s relentless pursuit for operational
          in the Red Sea, which has resulted in   world-class maintenance capabilities   excellence and continuous improvement
          rising market costs and adaptive vessel   across all fronts, as showcased in   as a top player in the global trade
          diversions towards alternative ports.   our  main  feature,  “Safeguarding  industry.
          However, this factor combined with the   Standards: Thriving Through Effective
          recent general growth in container trade   Port Maintenance”, an insightful story   As we embark towards the second half
          has presented a unique opportunity   detailing each port’s capabilities and   of  the  year, we  would  like  to  thank  all
          for strategically located ports such as   upkeep measures.            of our users, stakeholders and readers
          Northport, which took on more than                                    for their unwavering support. It is our
          80 ad-hoc calls since January due to   The  second  quarter  marked  a  goal to finish 2024 on a high and to
          ongoing circumstances.             productive period for MMC Ports and   continuously  trailblaze  innovation
                                             its  associated  companies  in  terms   as a major player in Malaysia’s trade
          Additionally, 2024 proved to be a     of both productivity and impact,   capabilities.
          fruitful  period  domestically,  with   notably with awards such as Kontena
          Malaysia  posting  its  highest-ever   Nasional Berhad's (Kontena Nasional)
          first-quarter trade results attributed    Anugerah  Majikan  Paling  Setia
          to recovering global trade markets and   for the year 2023 by Lembaga Zakat
          a higher volume of shipments to ASEAN   Selangor, as well as Northport (Malaysia)
          regions, the United States (US) and   Bhd's (Northport)   groundbreaking
          Japan.                             achievement  of welcoming its largest
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