Page 158 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 158

156    About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            In compliance with paragraph 10.09(2)(b) of the Listing Requirements, the Company had obtained a mandate from its shareholders
            to enter into recurrent related party transactions of a revenue or trading nature with its related parties at the Annual General
            Meetings held on 25 May 2022 and 24 May 2023 (RRPT Mandate).
            Details of the recurrent related party transactions entered into pursuant to the RRPT Mandate in the financial year ended 31 December
            2023 are set out below.

                                                                                                     Total of actual
                                                                    Value from        Value from     transactions for
              Related Party       Type of Transaction           1 January 2023     25 May 2023 to     Financial Year
                                                                to 24 May 2023     31 December 2023     Ended 2023
                                                                         (RM)              (RM)              (RM)
              Shandong Hengyuan   Sale of petroleum products and            -                  -                 -
              Petrochemical       crude oil by HRC
              Company Limited
              and its subsidiaries   Purchase of petroleum products         -                  -                 -
              including:          and crude oil by HRC
              (i)  Heng Yuan      Provision of freight and freight           -                 -                 -
                Holdings Limited;  brokerage services in relation to
                                  the purchase of crude oil and
              (ii)  Malaysia Hengyuan   product components by HRC
                Limited; and      Provision of central                3,362,331        7,049,788        10,412,119
                                  management, business
              (iii) Hengyuan
                International     support, administrative services
                Sdn Bhd           and oil and oil products risk
                                  management services to HRC
                                  Provision of technical advisory    6,779,191        13,329,864        20,109,055
                                  and consultancy services and
                                  research and development
                                  advisory services to HRC

                                  Sale of materials, equipment,             -                  -                 -
                                  goods and products related to
                                  the operation of the refinery,
                                  excluding petroleum products
                                  and crude oil, by HRC
                                  Purchase of materials,                    -                  -                 -
                                  equipment, goods and products
                                  related to the operation of the
                                  refinery, excluding petroleum
                                  products and crude oil, by HRC
                                  Rental of premises as                33,600             35,007            68,607
                                  accommodation for Company
                                  employees, personnel and/or
                                  visiting consultants

                                  Rental of premises as corporate           -            229,914           229,914

                                                      Total         10,175,122          20,644,573      30,819,695
   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163