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Financial Reports &
              Governance                                          HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023 157
                                        Other Information


            AGM      Annual General Meeting                       LFI      Learnings From Incident

            BCP      Business Continuity Plan                     LPG      Liquefied Petroleum Gas
            bbl      Barrel                                       LRCCU    Long Residue Catalytic Cracker Unit

            BIP      Business Improvement Plan                    LT       Leadership Team
            BNRC     Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee  LTI      Lost-Time Injury
            BPRC     Board Projects Review Committee              MFRSs    Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards

            BRMC     Board Risk Management Committee              MMLR     Main Market Listing Requirements

            BTC      Board Tender Committee                       NMPI     Near Miss Potential Incidents
            BWC      Board Whistleblowing Committee               OPEC     Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting
            CGMA     Chartered Global Management Accountant
                                                                  PPM      Parts per million
            CSR      Corporate Social Responsibility
                                                                  PSE      Process Safety Event
            CMRP     Certified Maintenance and Reliability Practitioner
                                                                  PSM      Process Safety Management
            DOE      Department of Environment
                                                                  PwC      PricewaterhouseCoopers
            DOSH     Department of Occupational Health and Safety
                                                                  QHSSE    Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment
            EII      Energy Intensity Index
                                                                  RAM      Risk Assessment Matrix
            ETP      Effluent Treatment Plant
                                                                  RM       Ringgit Malaysia
            FAC      First Aid Case
                                                                  SHPC     Shandong Hengyuan Petrochemical Company
            Forex    Foreign Exchange                                      Limited

            FY       Financial Year                               SIA      Site Internal Assurance
            HRC      Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad             TOR      Terms of Reference

            IFRS     International Financial Reporting Standards  UPDT     Unplanned Downtime
            KPIs     Key Performance Indicators                   USD      United States Dollar
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