Page 83 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  81

            7.   OTHERS                                             (g)  To  review  of  the  annual  certificate  and  compliance
                Other matters discussed by the BAC during its meetings
                include:                                            (h)  To review of the margin performance;
                (a)  The solvency outlook loan position of the Company   (i)  To review  of the award  of HSBC on  the cash
                   and dividend proposal of the Company in the next     management platform and to accept trade line facilities
                   12 months;                                           from HSBC;
                (b)  Quarterly  updates  on  the  Recurrent  RPT (RRPTs)     (j)  The review of the attempted bribery investigation
                   received from the Management. The BAC also ensured   report;
                   that all RRPTs were within the thresholds of the   (k)  The review of 2024 HRC Business Plan, i.e. Purpose,
                   shareholders’ mandate approved at the 64  AGM in     Vision, Mission, Values, Business Strategy, Financial,
                   24 May 2023;
                                                                        Headcount and 2024 scorecard;
                (c)  The review of refinancing plan;
                                                                    (l)  To review of the conflict of interest policy; and
                (d)  To review the report of special review on fuel loss.   (m)  To review of the PwC audit fees proposal for FY2023.
                   Subsequently, to review the update on oil loss findings
                   from Tricor Axcelasia;

                (e)  The review of the FY2022  audit representation  letter
                   and Statement on Risk Management and Internal
                   Controls representation letter;
                (f)  The  review  of  the  FY2022  Statement  on  Risk
                   Management and Internal Control and the BAC Report
                   disclosure for the respective  financial year for the
                   purpose of inclusion in the Company’s annual report;
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