Page 79 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  77

            INTERNAL AUDIT                                       REVIEW OF THIS STATEMENT
            The Board recognises that the Internal Audit (“IA”) function is   As required by Paragraph 15.23 of the MMLR, the External
            an integral component of the governance process. IA reports   Auditors have reviewed this Statement on Risk Management
            functionally to the Board Audit Committee (“BAC”). The main   and Internal Control. Their limited assurance review was
            roles and responsibilities  of IA is to provide an independent   performed in accordance with Audit and Assurance Practice
            and objective assurance designed to add value and improve   Guide (AAPG) 3 issued by the Malaysian Institute of
            HRC’s operations. IA discharged its role by recommending   Accountants. AAPG 3 does not require the External Auditors to
            systematic and disciplined approaches to evaluate and improve   form an pinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk
            the effectiveness of risk management, governance, and internal   management and internal control systems of the Company.
            control processes.
            In FY2023, the following reviews were performed and reported
            to the BAC:                                          The Board has received assurance from the CEO and CFO that
                                                                 HRC’s financial records are properly maintained and that its
            a.  Audit engagements were carried out based on the annual   risk management and internal control system is operating
                internal audit plan approved by the BAC. IA assessed the   adequately and effectively in addressing the material risks
                audit areas with regards to risk exposures, compliance   within the Company in its current business environment.
                with approved policies and procedures and relevant laws
                and regulations. For any gaps identified, IA provided   The Board has reviewed the adequacy and effectiveness of the
                recommendations to Management to improve the     risk management and internal control system of the Company
                effectiveness of controls where applicable.      and is of the view that they are sound and provide a reasonable
                                                                 level of confidence, but not absolute assurance, that HRC is not
                IA reports including recommendations and Management’s   affected by any event that cannot be reasonably foreseen.
                agreed action  plans  were submitted  to  the BAC  for their
                deliberation.  IA  also  followed-up  on  the  implementation   In the year under review, the Board is not aware of any
                status of Management’s agreed action plans and thereafter   significant control failure or weakness that would have resulted
                reported the status to the BAC.                  in material losses, contingencies or uncertainties requiring
                                                                 separate disclosure in this Annual Report.
            b.  Surveillance audits were carried out by SIRIM Berhad
                for ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System,     Following any economic effects of the geopolitical tensions,
                ISO  14001:2015  Environmental  Management  Systems,     macroeconomic variables, and evolving policies and regulations,
                ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety    the Board will continue to review measures initiated by HRC
                Management System, ISO27001:2013 Information Security   to  minimise  the  potential  risk  and impact  arising  from  these
                Management System and ISO37001:2016 Anti Bribery   situations.
                Management System. Surveillance audit for ISO17025:2017   This Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control is
                Laboratories was carried out by Department of     approved by the Board on 26 March 2024.
                Standards Malaysia.
                The reviews concluded that HRC conformed to the
                requirements of the management systems.
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