Page 78 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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76     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


                The Code outlines the following:                 10.  WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY
                •  Our  responsibilities  and  a  guide  to  ethical  decision      HRC has established a Whistleblowing Policy (Policy) which
                   making.                                          provides an avenue for employees and members of the
                                                                    public to disclose any improper conduct in accordance with
                •  The  standards  of  good  behaviour  that  HRC  expects
                   from every employee, all contractors and all consultants   the procedures under the Policy.
                   as well as contract employees.                   Under the Policy, a whistleblower will be accorded
                                                                    the protection of identity confidentiality, to the extent
                •  That  we  have  the  right  to  expect  the  same  standards     reasonably  practicable.  A  whistleblower  will  also  be
                   of behaviour from our colleagues.
                                                                    protected against any adverse or detrimental actions for
                •  The  system  for  handling  of  sensitive  information  and   disclosing improper conduct that has been committed or
                   HRC’s Intellectual Property.                     is about to be committed within HRC, to the extent
                                                                    reasonably practicable, provided that the disclosure is
                •  Guidelines to help in keeping our business interactions
                   legal, ethical and professional, ensuring that we protect   made in good faith. Such protection is accorded even
                   ourselves from any suspicion of wrongdoing and to   if investigations later reveal that the whistleblower is
                   safeguard HRC’s reputation.                      mistaken as to the facts, rules and procedures involved.
                                                                    The Policy is available on HRC’s corporate website.
                                                                 11.  QUALITY, HEALTH, SECURITY, SAFETY,
                Information  and  communications  technology  are   ENVIRONMENTAL (QHSSE), SUSTAINABILITY, SOCIAL
                extensively deployed in HRC to automate work processes   AND GOVERNANCE
                where possible and to efficiently collect and report key
                business information.                               HRC upholds its highest commitment to QHSSE,
                                                                    sustainability, social responsibilities and governance
                HRC is certified under the Information Security Management   practices via the establishment of HRC’s General Business
                System  (ISMS),  MS  ISO/IEC  27001:2013  and  shall   Principles and various policies and procedures.
                continue to enhance its information and communication
                systems to ensure that it can act as an enabler to improve      HRC periodically reviews the risks and procedures in place
                business processes, work productivity and decision     including scenario planning and holds mock exercises and
                making throughout the Company.                      incident simulations to test the readiness of the employees
                                                                    in responding to those incidents.
            9.  EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT                    A comprehensive list of activities and initiatives
                HRC selects individuals for employment through a    performed by HRC is highlighted in the HRC Sustainability
                structured recruitment process. The professionalism and   Report 2023.
                competency of employees  is continuously enhanced
                through a structured training and development programme.
                A performance management system is in place which
                measures employee’s performance against agreed goals on
                an annual basis.
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