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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  71

            To reduce  paper wastage  and to leverage  on the  efficacy  of   The Notice of 64  AGM was circulated together with the
            electronic communication methods, the Company e-mailed   Statement Accompanying Notice of AGM as required under
            a notification card to shareholders containing a link and     to Paragraph 8.27(2) of the Listing Requirements as well as
            QR code to download its 64  AGM notice, proxy form,    the explanatory notes to the proposed resolutions along with
            FY2022 Annual Report and circular to shareholders, as allowed     any background information and reports or recommendations
            by  its  Constitution.    Hard  copies  of  the notification  card    that are relevant to enable the shareholders to consider  the
            were sent to shareholders who had invalid or rejected email   resolutions to be tabled at the AGM in order to make informed
            addresses. Hard copies of the FY2022 Annual Report and    decision when exercising voting rights.
            circular to shareholders were posted to shareholders who   All  directors  and  Chairs  of  the  respective  Board  Committees,
            requested for them within four (4) market days.
                                                                 the  company  secretary,  external  auditor,  as  well  as  senior
            Further details on stakeholder engagement and the    management members, such as the CEO, CFO and Chief
            Company’s corporate social responsibility initiatives are set out   Commercial Officer, had attended the Company’s 64  AGM
            in the 2023 Sustainability Report, which is accessible on the   held on 24  May 2023.
            Company’s website at
                                                                 Shareholders were invited to submit questions electronically
                                                                 through the remote participation and voting facilities online
            II.  Conduct of General Meetings                     (RPV) as guided in the Administrative Guide circulated together
            The Company regards general meetings as important platforms   with the 2022 Annual Report. The Directors and Senior
            for dialogue amongst directors, the Management and   Management responded to questions and key matters raised
            shareholders, and aims to encourage active participation by the   by the shareholders in relation to the performance of the
            shareholders during such meetings.                   Company. The responses to questions that were not able to be
                                                                 answered due to time constraints were compiled and e-mailed
            The Company ensures that the notice of AGM is circulated at    to shareholders after the meeting.
            least twenty-eight (28) days before the meeting. The Board
            Charter and the Constitution of the Company provides that   The  minutes of  the 64   AGM, the  key  matters discussed  and
            shareholders should be given all necessary information and   the Company’s responses to MSWG’s questions are published
            notice of AGM of the Company at least twenty-one (21) days   on  the Company’s  website  at,  within  one
            before the meeting.                                  month from the date of the Company’s 64  AGM.
            The Notice of 64  AGM, together with the 2022 Annual     The Company’s Corporate Governance Report and Corporate
            Report and circular to shareholders, was issued on 21  April   Governance Overview  Statement was  approved  by  the Board
            2023, which was thirty-two (32) days before the meeting    on 12  April 2024.
            held on 24  May 2023 to ensure that sufficient notice and
            time were provided to the shareholders to consider resolutions
            that will be discussed and decided during the AGM.
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