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70     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            The  Company’s  risk  management  is  backed  up  by  the   PRINCIPLE C: INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE
            implementation of three lines of defence that distinguishes   REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL
            the three groups which are involved in effective management   RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS
            of risk in the Company. The lines of defence are strengthened
            by the  roles of  the Risk &  Integrity Executive  and  the     I.  Communication with Stakeholders
            Chief Internal Auditor (CIA). The Risk and Integrity Executive’s
            primary functions are to ensure an adequate risk and control   The Board acknowledges the importance  of effective
            framework is in place, address all  business integrity matters     communications to ensure that stakeholders are kept informed
            and promote an ethical culture within the Company.   of the Company’s objectives and strategic aims, performance
                                                                 and major developments affecting its business.
            Internal control and risk-related matters which warrant the
            attention of the Board are recommended by the respective     The Company has a Corporate Affairs Department to ensure
            Board Committees to the Board for its deliberation and approval.  effective, transparent and regular communication between
                                                                 the Company and its stakeholders via channels including:
            Further details of the risk management and internal control
            framework are provided in the Company’s Statement on   (i)  Town hall meetings were held quarterly to ensure effective
            Risk Management and Internal Control which is available on    communication with employees such as to update on the
            page 72 of this Annual Report.                          Company business performance, employee relation matters
                                                                    and implementation of revised Company’s policies to align
            Internal Audit Function                                 with key amendments of the Employment Act 1955.
            The Company’s internal audit function comprises the following:   (ii)  Employee information circulars via electronic mail to all
             (i)  An independent internal audit department (IAD), which acts   employees.
               as an independent evaluating body to assist and provide   (iii) Engagement with local, state and federal government
               assurance  to  the  Board,  the  BAC  and  the  Management.    authorities and Regulators to ensure compliance with laws
               The IAD is headed by the CIA who reports functionally   and regulations applicable to the Company especially on
               to the Chair of the BAC and administratively to the CEO.   financial, tax, governance, environment, health & safety,
               There is one (1) Internal Auditor who reports to the CIA.    licensing and permits.
               The internal auditors have sufficient mix of knowledge,
               skills and competencies to execute the audit plan; and   (iv) Transparent and up-to-date announcements released
                                                                    through Bursa Malaysia to ensure that updates on material
            (ii)  The  Company’s site internal assurance team (SIA),     announcements such as material information, corporate
               which comprises of 24 trained and/or ISO certified site   exercise, financial reports, annual report, sustainability
               internal auditors from various departments in the Company.   report and circulars to shareholders were released to
               The SIA reviews the site  internal assurance and process   shareholders and stakeholders.
               effectiveness of the Company and reports to the QHSSE
               Manager.  All  SIA  internal  audit  reports  are  reviewed  by    (v)  The Company’s website which contains useful information
               the CIA before finalisation.                         regarding the Company’s background, vision,  mission,
                                                                    values and purpose, the Board, management team, investor
            The CIA will develop a suitable risk based internal audit plan     relations, corporate  governance policies  and documents,
            for the following financial year for BAC review and     sustainability  efforts, announcements,  minutes of general
            approval before commencement of work. The CIA will present   meeting and contact details.
            the findings from the IAD to the BAC and the BAC will review
            the major findings reported by the internal audit and follow     (vi) E-mails and telephone enquiries to the Corporate Affairs
            up on Senior Management’s implementation of the         Department, whose contact details are published clearly on
            recommended actions.                                    the Company’s website at
            The internal audit charter of the IAD provides that the IAD    Through the various engagement channels with stakeholders,
            will maintain its objectivity and independence, at all times, and   the Company can gather feedback to identify and prioritise
            will have no direct operational responsibility  or authority over   what is the important areas that impact or have potential impact
            any of the activities audited. The CIA is also required to confirm   to the Company’s business operation.
            the organisational independence of the IAD to the BAC and    In addition, Stakeholders can report improper conduct via
            the Board annually.                                  e-mail or in writing to the Whistleblowing Committee in
            Further details of the IAD can be found in the Company’s   any language, in accordance with the Whistleblowing Policy,
            Corporate Governance Report 2023, which is published at    which is accessible on the Company’s website.
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