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66     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            The Board Diversity Policy sets out the Company’s approach     The BNRC had, on 26  August 2021, considered the
            for the consideration of diversity in areas such as skills and    composition  of the Committee and resolved that it was
            expertise, background, age, and gender in its appointment   important for Wang, YouDe, who is the Chairman of the
            of candidates to  the Board. While  the policy supports   Company and represents the major shareholder on the Board,
            women’s participation in decision making positions and the     to be part of the BNRC to ensure that interests are aligned in
            recommendations of the MCCG to have at least 30% women   so far as high-level appointments, remuneration policies and
            directors on the Board, to ensure that the interests of the    human resources matters are concerned. The Committee also
            Company and its stakeholders are protected, the standard   noted that the Chairman holds a non-executive position and
            selection criteria for directors, which is set out above,    that the BNRC comprises two (2) other members, who are
            remains a priority for the assessment of Board candidates.    Independent Non-Executive Directors, to provide a check and
            The gender diversity target will be considered collectively with     balance to the objectivity of its decisions.
            all other factors.
                                                                 Based on the results of the BEA FY2023, the BNRC is satisfied
            The appointment of senior management members is guided   with the current composition of the Board, providing an
            by the Company’s Equal Opportunity principle entrenched     appropriate size, diversity, mix of skills and qualifications,
            in  the  Code  of  Conduct,  which  prohibits  discrimination  on    knowledge and experience to discharge their duties effectively.
            race, colour, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation,     Appointments to the Board
            gender identity, marital status, disability, ethnic origin or
            nationality when making employment decisions. The Company   In carrying out its nomination functions, the TOR of the
            strives to be objective and ensure no personal feelings,    BNRC provides that the Committee may solicit and consider
            prejudices  and  preferences  are  influencing  any   the views of existing Board members, management,
            employment-related  decisions,  and  basing  employment    major shareholders, independent search firms and a variety of
            decisions solely on objective factors, including merit,     other independent sources. The appropriate disclosures will be
            qualification, performance and business considerations.  made in the Company’s annual report if independent sources
                                                                 were not used for the selection.
            The Board Diversity Policy and Code of Conduct are published
            on the Company’s website at          FY2023,  the  BNRC  has  considered  the  resume  of
                                                                 Ms Li, XiaoXia and interviewed her on 30 November 2023,
            Board Nominating and Remuneration Committee
                                                                 as  a potential  candidate  for appointment  as  Independent
            The BNRC is responsible for assisting the Board on nomination   Non-Executive Director of the Company. She has thirty-three
            and remuneration functions with respect to Board members   (33)  years  of experience  in areas  relating  to  banking industry,
            and selected senior management positions of the Company.    led transformative initiatives in credit risk management,
            The Committee recommends the nominations of candidates     corporate finance, and investment banking, orchestrating
            to the Board and Board Committees, and evaluates and   significant  capital  injections,  and achieving  outstanding
            recommends to the Board the employment,  promotion,   business growth and non-performing asset reorganisation,
            discipline, resignation and termination of the CEO,     consistently earning an excellent (BAA) assessment over
            CFO or Financial Controller (in the absence of CFO) and     three consecutive years, and would be a valuable addition to
            Head of HR or HR Manager (in the absence of Head of HR).   the Board.
            The Committee  also ensures that a remuneration  policy for   Ms Li, XiaoXia fulfils the fit and proper criteria set out in
            expatriate employees of the Company is in place.
                                                                 the Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy, as well as meets the
            The Chair of the BNRC is Surinderdeep Singh Mohindar    independence criteria set out in MMLR for an  “independent
            Singh, an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company.     director”. She has no family relationship with any other
            The other members of the BNRC are Wang, YouDe,       Director and/or major shareholder of the Company. She did not
            a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director, and Li, XiaoXia    hold any shares in HRC and has no conflict of interest in any
            an Independent Non-Executive Director.               business arrangement with the Company.
            Nomination Activities of the BNRC                    The BNRC, after having reviewed the said resume and criteria,
                                                                 recommended the appointment of Ms Li as an Independent
            Assessment of Board Composition
                                                                 Non-Executive Director of HRC with effect from 8  December
            Pursuant to its TOR, BNRC evaluates, reviews and recommends   2023 to the Board for consideration and approval.
            to the Board the appropriate size and composition of the Board,
            required mix of skills, experience and other qualities, to be in line
            with the Company’s requirements, on an annual basis.
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