Page 66 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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64     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            The Sustainability Working Group comprises of representatives   II.  BOARD COMPOSITION
            from each department, such as Financial & Management   As at 31  December 2023, the Board consists of six (6) directors,
            Accounting, Government Relations, Contracts & Procurement,   comprising two (2) Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors
            Commercial, Economics & Scheduling, Operations, Corporate   and four (4) Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs),
            Affairs, Engineering, Quality, Health, Safety, Security &   to ensure balance of power and authority within the Board.
            Environment (QHSSE) and Technology to improve sustainability
            performance and monitor sustainability management and   HRC’s Board composition, consists of 66.66% INEDs,
            performance.                                         complies with the MMLR and adopts the Practice of the MCCG,
                                                                 wherein the INEDs constitute more than half of the Board,
            Risks arising from sustainability issues, such as emissions and   and surpassing the minimum requirement of 1/3 independent
            waste management, QHSSE, product quality, fraud, bribery,   directors.
            and breach of code  of conduct, succession  planning and
            talent retention, and their mitigative actions, are identified and   To uphold corporate governance standards, Paragraph 3.1 of
            tracked in a risk register, which will be updated to the BRMC    the Company’s Board Charter stipulates that at any given time,
            and the Board quarterly.                             the majority of Board members shall be INEDs to ensure a
                                                                 balance of power and authority within the Board.
            Opportunities for sustainability  improvement to enhance the
            Company’s environmental and social responsibility, employee   In FY2023, the BNRC reviewed the current Board composition
            health improvement programmes and energy optimisation,     of  HRC  and recommended  the  new  appointment  of
            are captured in opportunities register. Both risk and opportunities   Ms Li, XiaoXia (Ms Li) as the Independent Non-Executive Director
            registers are monitored by the Risk & Integrity Department,   of HRC for the Board’s consideration. The new appointment
            tracked quarterly and presented to the BRMC at its meetings.  has  taken  into  account  the  criteria  set  out  in  the  TOR  of  the
                                                                 BNRC, the Board Diversity Policy, and the Directors’ Fit and
            The performance evaluation of the Board and Senior    Proper Policy, requiring Ms Li to complete a Fit and Proper
            Management takes into consideration the Company’s scorecard     Declaration Form for evaluation by the BNRC and the Board.
            and results, including material sustainability  risks and
            opportunities in the areas of HSSE and compliance, operational   On 8  December 2023, upon recommendation by the BNRC,
            excellence, financial performance and stakeholder value.  the  Board  reviewed  and approved  the  appointment  of  Ms  Li
                                                                 as the Independent Non-Executive Director of HRC with
            In the Board Evaluation Assessment for the financial year 2023   immediate effect, after assessing her character, integrity,
            (BEA FY2023), the Board was satisfied that the Company   experience, competence, time commitment, and independence
            had carried out its duties satisfactorily in regard of addressing   criteria as set out in MMLR.
            material sustainability risks and opportunities. The Board agreed
            that sustainability factors have been taken into consideration   On 8  December 2023, the Company announced the
            when exercising their duties, including the development and   resignation of Puan Fauziah Hisham who had served as the
            implementation of strategies, business plans, major plans of   Independent Non-Executive Director of HRC for 6 years and
            action and risk management of the Company. The Board also   4 months, effective immediately on the same date. Consequently,
            agreed that the sustainability matters for the year are adequately   Ms Li has been appointed as Independent Non-Executive
            reported in the Board materials and discussed at Board or     Director of HRC effective from 8  December 2023.
            Board Committee meetings.
                                                                 None   of  the  Company’s  Independent  Non-Executive
            The Board was of the view that ESG-related training is needed   Directors have served beyond nine (9) years  on the Board.
            for the Board and Senior Management as it is a relatively   Paragraph 3.4 of the Company’s Board Charter specifies that
            new emerging industrial agenda to the Company. The Board   the tenure of an Independent Non-Executive Director should
            recognised the need for long-term plans and strategies for   not exceed a cumulative term limit of nine (9) years.
            refinery industry in light of ESG requirements. The Company had   The BNRC had on 22  February 2024, reviewed the results of
            therefore implemented an Operational Excellence Framework,     the annual BEA 2023 to assess the current Board composition
            of which ESG is one of its focus areas.
                                                                 and to determine the effectiveness of the Board,
            The Company’s sustainability governance, targets, performance   Board Committees, and each individual Director. The results
            and initiatives are set out in the annual Sustainability Report   of BEA FY2023 indicate that the BNRC and the Board are
            and is publicly available to all internal and external stakeholders   satisfied that the current composition of the Board provides
            on the Company’s website at The website   an appropriate size, diversity, mix of skills and qualifications,
            also sets out the Company’s practices towards climate change,   knowledge and experience to discharge their duties effectively.
            pollution and resources management, and water consumption
            and management.
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