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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  61

              No    Principal Responsibilities  Explanation and updates for FY2023
              iii.  Overseeing the conduct of     The  Board  oversees  the  Company’s  business  and  assesses  the performance  of  the
                    the Company’s business    Management to determine whether the business is properly managed in accordance
                                              with the Company’s objectives. This includes the Company’s financial management
                                              and performance, operational excellence, control and accountability systems,
                                              corporate governance, risk management practices, compliance with laws and
                                              regulations (including HSSE compliance) and human capital management.
                                              With the assistance of the various Board Committees, the Board reviews, challenges
                                              and deliberates on proposals tabled by the Management and discusses the
                                              Company’s performance during Board and Board Committees meetings.
                                              These meetings are held in accordance with the frequency specified in the Board
                                              Charter and the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the respective Board Committees,
                                              with additional meetings to be convened where necessary.

                                              The performance and effectiveness of the Company are assessed and measured in a
                                              scorecard based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set for the Management.

              iv.   Identifying  principal  risks  and   The Board understands that business decisions involve taking appropriate risks and
                    ensuring the implementation   sets the risk appetite for the Company. To ensure appropriate internal controls and
                    of appropriate internal controls   mitigation measures are in place, the BAC and BRMC assist the Board in assessing and
                    and mitigation measures   anticipating potential risks to the Company and recommend appropriate actions to be
                                              taken to mitigate the risks.
                                              The BAC oversees the internal controls system of the Company while the BRMC
                                              ensures that an effective risk management framework is in place. The Committees
                                              also ensure that the Company’s internal controls and risk management framework are
                                              periodically tested for its effectiveness and integrity.

               v.   Succession planning       The BNRC assists the Board to oversee the nomination function to ensure that key
                                              members of senior management have the necessary skills and experience, and that
                                              orderly succession planning for directors and senior management is in place.
                                              The appointments, discipline, and termination of key positions in senior management,
                                              such as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Financial
                                              Controller (in the absence of CFO) and Head of Human Resource (HR) or HR Manager
                                              (in the absence of Head of HR), are evaluated by the BNRC before recommendations
                                              are made to the Board for approval.
                                              The BNRC also reviews the leadership needs of the Company on a regular basis
                                              and ensures that an appropriate succession planning framework, management &
                                              development talent, and human capital development programme are in place for
                                              senior management as well as employees, taking into account the skills required and
                                              the challenges and opportunities faced by the Company. The succession plans are
                                              discussed in the quarterly BNRC meetings.
                                              The BNRC recommends nominations to the Board and Board Committees,
                                              based on objective criteria, merit and with due regard to diversity of gender,
                                              nationality, age, culture, socio-economic background, skills, experience and
                                              independence. The Committee also reviews the annual assessment of the
                                              effectiveness of the Board, the Board Committees and individual directors,
                                              and evaluates the Board’s composition to ensure that the composition of the Board
                                              and Board Committee are able to discharge their duties effectively.
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