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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  63

            The minutes of the meetings were circulated to the Board and   In addition, the BWC was established by the Board to carry
            respective Board Committees members within ten (10) working   out the following objectives:
            days after the meeting, allowing members and Management   i.  Review, investigate and resolve complaints of improper
            to provide comments. Thereafter, the final draft Minutes were   conduct of any member of the Board or any employee of
            distributed to the Board and the respective Board Committees     the Company that is submitted to the BWC through the
            at  least  five (5)  working  days  before  the following  meeting   Company’s whistleblowing channel;
            together with the Board papers. The chairman of the meeting
            at which the proceedings were held or the chairman of the next   ii.  Develop the Company’s Whistleblowing Policy and
            succeeding meeting will approve the finalised Minutes.  procedures and to implement them together with the
                                                                    Management of the Company; and
            Board Charter
                                                                 iii.  Periodically assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the
            The Board reviews and evaluates the adequacy of its Board   Company’s Whistleblowing Policy and procedures and to
            Charter  on  a regular  basis  to  ensure  that  there is  clarity  in   revise them as necessary.
            the roles and responsibilities of the Board, its committees,
            individual directors, the relationship between the Board and   The Board regularly reviews and updates the Company’s
            Management and issues reserved for the Board.        Whistleblowing  Policy. The Whistleblowing  Policy and TOR
                                                                 of the BWC are published on the Company’s website at
            The Board regularly reviews and updates the Company’s Board
            Charter, with the most recent update on 26 February 2024,
            to align with the amended MMLR issued by Bursa Malaysia.  Addressing Sustainability Risks and Opportunities
            The Board Charter is published on the Company’s website at   Amongst the roles of the Board is to ensure that the Company
                                        adopts a strategic plan that supports both short-term and
                                                                 long-term value creation and includes strategies on economic,
            Code of Conduct
                                                                 environmental, safety & health, social and governance
            The Company continues to enforce strict compliance to its    considerations underpinning sustainability.
            Code of Conduct, which provides information and guidelines for   The  Board  sits  on  top  of  the  Company’s  sustainability
            the Company to achieve its business principles and core values   governance structure and holds overall responsibility  and
            in the  conduct of  its businesses  and operations.  The Code  of   oversight on all sustainability matters of the Company.
            Conduct addresses areas which include, but is not limited to,   The Management, led by the CEO, develops and recommends
            unacceptable behaviour, conflict of interests, breach of laws and   the strategy to ensure viability and long-term economic,
            regulations, insider dealing, use of information technology and   environmental and social sustainability of the business to the
            electronic communications, data privacy, intellectual property,   Board, and provides leadership and oversees implementation
            information and records management, gift & hospitality   of the sustainability strategy. The Management evaluates
            procedure, disclosures and business communication.
                                                                 overall risks and opportunities of the Company in weekly and
            The Code of Conduct is supplemented by the Company’s Gift   monthly management meetings based on reports received
            & Hospitality  Procedure, which  sets out the procedures for   from the steering committees and the respective departments
            accepting, receiving and declaring gifts from the Company’s   of the Company.
            business partners.
                                                                 Carbon footprint reduction remains the core driver of a
            The Company’s Anti-Bribery & Corruption & Anti-Money   sustainable future and hence, HRC will focus on reducing
            Laundering Manual (ABC & AML Manual) further solidifies the   CO  emission in its production as the key strategic initiative.
            Company’s proactive measures in ensuring that its employees   The Board has approved the Company’s aspiration to achieve
            and business partners  comply with laws  and regulations that   “Net Zero Carbon Emission by Year 2050” and the Company’s
            prohibit bribery, corruption and money laundering.   establishment of the ESG framework. Two key elements
                                                                 have been incorporated into the strategies to achieve the
            The Code of Conduct and ABC & AML Manual are accessible on   Company’s aspiration:
            the Company’s website at
                                                                 (i)  Reduce  emission  through  optimisation  of  energy
                                                                    consumption as well as usage of renewable/alternate clean
            The Company has a Whistleblowing Policy to encourage and   energy; and
            facilitate the disclosure of genuine and legitimate improper
            conduct raised by employees of HRC, employees of HRC’s   (ii)  Seek initiatives such as nature restoration projects to
            contractors, vendors, customers and members of the public at   compensate for the emission.
            the earliest opportunity.
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