Page 67 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  65

            On 29  March 2023, the Board approved the 64  AGM    and insights for decision making in the best interests of the
            notice containing the agendas of the re-election of    Company. The BNRC assists the Board with screening and
            directors, namely Wang, ZongQuan, Fauziah Hisham and    selection of candidates for the Board and key members of the
            Tai Sook Yee. The statement of BNRC to support the re-election   Company’s management team in accordance with the Board
            of the directors together with its justification were clearly    Diversity Policy and the Committee’s TOR.
            stated in the explanatory notes of the resolutions in the     Factors considered by the BNRC include the candidate’s skills,
            Notice  of 64  AGM, which was  issued to shareholders on    knowledge, expertise and experience, time commitment,
            21  April 2023.
                                                                 character,  professionalism  and  integrity,  ability  to  work
            Board and Senior Management Diversity                cohesively with other members, age, gender, culture, nationality,
                                                                 socio-economic background, number of directorships in
            The Board recognises the importance of having a diverse
            Board and Senior Management with a mix of relevant skills,   other companies, and the requirements of the Company.
            expertise and experience to provide diverse perspectives

            As at 31  December 2023, the Diversity of the Board was as follows:

                   Race/Ethnicity             Nationality                Age Group                  Gender

                      Malay   16.67%              Malaysian   50%          50-59   17%              Male   67%
                       Chinese  16.67%            Foreigner   50%          60-69   83%              Female   33%
                      India   16.67%
                      Others  50%

            As at 31  December 2023, the Diversity of the Management team was as follows:

                   Race/Ethnicity             Nationality                Age Group                  Gender

                      Malay   11.11%              Malaysian   56%          30-39   22%              Male   89%
                       Chinese  44.44%            Foreigner   44%          40-49   11%              Female   11%
                      Others  44.44%                                       50-59   44%
                                                                           60-69   22%
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72