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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  69

            PRINCIPLE B: EFFECTIVE AUDIT AND RISK                The Board has adopted the Non-Audit Services Policy which
            MANAGEMENT                                           sets out the non-audit services that can be rendered by the
                                                                 external auditor and its affiliates, and the limitation of fees for
            I.  BOARD AUDIT COMMITTEE                            such non-audit services, which have been endorsed by the BAC.

            The Chairman of the BAC is Alan Hamzah Sendut,       The  BAC is  responsible  to ensure  that  the  non-audit  services
            an Independent Non-Executive Director who is not the Chairman   rendered by the external auditors has taken into account
            of the Board. With the resignation of Puan Fauziah Hisham,    the nature and extent of the non-audit services and the
            the BAC comprises solely of three (3) Independent     appropriateness of the level of fees. In order to prevent
            Non-Executive Director with a diverse mix of skills, knowledge,   situations where the external auditor unintentionally takes on
            experience and perspectives in the areas of accounting,     management  responsibilities  while  providing  non-audit
            corporate  finance,  banking and  international  finance, oil  and   services, which could be a violation of the external auditors’
            gas, strategy, risk management, corporate governance and   independence obligations.
            regulatory compliance, which enables the BAC to discharge its   The results of BEA FY2023 indicate that the BNRC and the
            duties efficiently.
                                                                 Board are satisfied that the current composition of the BAC
            The BAC members continuously update themselves of the    provides an appropriate size, diversity, mix of skills and
            latest developments in accounting and auditing standards,   qualifications, knowledge and experience to discharge their
            practices  and  rules.  The list  of  training  courses  attended  by     duties effectively, and all directors are financially literate and
            the members of the Board, including members of the BAC,     able to understand matters under the purview of the BAC,
            can be found on page 155 of this Annual Report.      including the financial reporting process.

            The  BAC  assists  and  supports  the  Board  by  monitoring  the   The BAC’s report is available on page 78 of this Annual Report.
            suitability, objectivity and independence of the Company’s
            external auditor and internal audit functions. The efficiency    II.  RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL
            and  effectiveness  of  the  Company’s  Control  Framework  and   FRAMEWORK
            internal control system has been reviewed and endorsed by
            the BAC based on the assurance provided by the external     The Board strives to uphold a strong and sound internal control
            and internal auditors. Audit issues tabled by the auditors and   and risk management system to ensure smooth operation
            actions taken  by Management to address the  issues were   of the business. It is the Company’s aim to manage its risks and
            deliberated during the BAC meetings.                 to control its business and financial affairs economically,
                                                                 efficiently and effectively, so as to be able to deliver profitable
            In  line  with  Practice  9.2  of  the MCCG,  Paragraph  2.7 of  the     business opportunities in a disciplined manner, to avoid or
            BAC’s TOR clearly stated that a former partner of the external   mitigate risks that could results in loss, harm to reputation
            audit firm and/or the affiliate firm (including those providing   or business failure, and to enhance ability to withstand
            advisory services, tax consulting, etc) of the Company   unexpected events.
            shall be subject to a minimum of at least three (3) years
            cooling-off period before being appointed as a member of the    The BRMC oversees and provides guidance on risk
            BAC. At present, none of the members of the BAC are the    management matters to ensure prudent risk management
            former partner of Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT.  over the Company’s businesses and operations. The Company
                                                                 has adopted a Risk Management policy to provide practical
            The BAC is responsible for recommending to the Board the   guidance for addressing the risk and opportunities and to
            appointment or re-appointment of the external auditor and     carry out risk assessment.
            the audit fee after reviewing their suitability, resources,
            competency and independence, and any resignation or dismissal   The BRMC also ensures that the Company’s internal control
            of the external auditor and the reasons therefor.    and risk management framework are periodically evaluated
                                                                 for quality, integrity and effectiveness, a systematic and
            The external auditor is evaluated on an annual basis in   comprehensive evaluation of the key risk areas are conducted,
            accordance with the Company’s External Auditor Assessment   and that controls are in place to mitigate and manage these
            Policy, which considers the external auditor’s competence,   risks. The implementation of risk controls is monitored,
            audit quality, independence and information contained in the   and the results are presented to the BRMC during its meetings
            external  auditor’s  annual transparency  report.  The BAC  also   quarterly.
            obtains written assurance from the external auditor that they
            have complied with the relevant ethical requirements regarding
            professional independence.
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