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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  67

            Re-election of Directors                                and finance, internal controls, risk management and human
                                                                    resource and development. She has good understanding of
            The BNRC ensures that every director is subject to retirement at   the roles, duties and obligations as a director, adds value
            least once every three (3) years in accordance with Paragraph    to board meetings and takes initiative to request for more
            7.26 of the MMLR and the Company’s Constitution.        information. She sufficiently identifies principal financial
            The Committee also recommends to the Board the directors to   risks that may have a considerable impact on the Company
            be re-elected by shareholders at the Company’s AGM.
                                                                    and set the risk appetite to ensure that there is an
            The BNRC reviewed the Directors’ Rotation checklist,     appropriate risk management framework to identify,
            considered the tenure of directors, namely Wang, YouDe   analyse, evaluate, manage and monitor significant financial
            and Surinderdeep Singh a/l Mohindar Singh, who are seeking     and non-financial risks.
            re-election at the Company’s 65  AGM scheduled to be held    Board Effectiveness Assessment
            on 28  May 2024, and recommended their re-appointments
            to the Board, based on the following justifications:  The BNRC is responsible for assisting the Board in establishing
                                                                 procedures and processes towards an annual assessment of
            •  Based  on  the  results  of  the  BEA  FY2023,  Wang,  YouDe     the effectiveness  of the  Board and each Board Committee,
               has a relevant mix of experience, skill, knowledge,    as well as the contribution of each individual director.
               expertise and core competency that is beneficial to the
               Company, including  industry specific  knowledge and   The BEA FY2023 was conducted internally via peer and
               oil and gas business strategy, project management and   self-reviews, with an expansion of the existing assessment
               engineering, contracting and procurement, human resource   questionnaire to cover review of sustainability performance,
               and development, internal control and risk management.   a  holistic  perspective  and identify  areas  for  improvement.
               He  demonstrates  and  commands  effective  leadership  of   The BNRC considers the internally facilitated assessment to be
               the Board, oversees effective decision-making process    sufficient for the Company’s needs.
               and ensures crucial alternatives are considered. He aims to   The BEA FY2023 included assessment of the effectiveness of
               ensure that the Board’s workload is appropriately managed   the Board and Board Committees in relation to:
               and, where suitable, allocated to established Board
               Committees with specific TOR approved by the Board.  i.  Composition and structure;
            •  Based  on  the  results  of  the  BEA  FY2023,  Surinderdeep    ii.  Operations and interactions (including meetings, papers and
               Singh a/l Mohindar Singh has a relevant mix of experience,   communication between members); and
               skill, knowledge, expertise and core competency that is   iii.  Roles  and  responsibilities  (including  sustainability
               beneficial to the Company, including human resource and   performance for the Board, strategy planning, human capital
               development, accounting and finance, internal controls,   management and the Board’s and Board Committee’s
               corporate  governance  and  information  technology.   relationship with the Management).
               He has a good understanding of the duties, obligations
               and responsibilities  as a director  and provide  useful   The independent directors of HRC had also completed their
               recommendations  in assisting  the  Board for a  better   self-assessment and declared their independency in compliance
               decision making. As the Chair of the BNRC, he leads BNRC’s     with the definition of  “independent director” in the Listing
               annual evaluation of the Board composition to ensure    Requirements.
               that it has the appropriate size, balance and composition    Based on the results of the BEA FY2023, the Board’s greatest
               of the Board, the required mix of skills, experience and     strengths in FY2023 presented the Board’s ability to work as
               other qualities, the independence of the Independent   a whole to react to the challenges the Company are facing
               Directors, Board diversity in terms of gender and age,    post-pandemic and able to leverage on individual director’s
               and consideration of the Fit and Proper assessment, and core   expertise to offer constructive proposal/advice; board members
               competencies which the Directors shall bring to the Board    are familiar with operations; cooperation is strong amongst us,
               to  ensure that  they  are  in line  with  the  Company’s   there is an environment of trust; and cohesiveness and ability to
               requirements.                                     discuss openly and disagree professionally. In the management

            •  Ms  Li,  XiaoXia,  the  newly  appointed  Independent     of stakeholder’s challenges, and steering company through
               Non-Executive Director, has a relevant mix of experience,   challenging cashflow period in Q3/2023 is evidence of the
               skill, knowledge, expertise and core competency that is   board’s strengths.
               beneficial  to  the  Company,  including  banking,  economics
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