Page 76 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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74     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            3.  PLANNING, MONITORING AND REPORTING                   e.  The sustainability strategy is developed by management
                                                                       and reviewed by the Board to ensure its robustness in
                a.  An annual planning and budgetary exercise are      achieving HRC’s objectives. The sustainability strategy
                   undertaken by all departments to prepare business   was approved by the Board and is disclosed in the
                   plans and budgets for the forthcoming year. These are   2023 Sustainability Report.
                   deliberated on by the BAC to ensure alignment with
                   the strategy as agreed at the latest strategy review.   4.  POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
                   Thereafter, the BAC recommends the updated plans
                   and  budget  to  the  Board  for  approval  before  its      Clear, formalised and documented internal policies,
                   implementation.                                   standards and procedures are in place to ensure compliance
                                                                     with internal controls and relevant laws and regulations.
                b.  HRC’s financial performances are reviewed regularly by
                   Management. The financial results and variances (if any)      A list of identified laws and regulations applicable to
                   are presented to the Board on a quarterly basis.  HRC is documented and maintained to facilitate
                                                                     compliance. Regular reviews are performed to ensure that
                c.  The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is required to provide   documentation remains current and relevant.
                   assurance to the BAC that:
                                                                     Policies and procedures are available on HRC’s intranet
                   •  appropriate  accounting  policies  have  been  adopted   and are accessible to the employees. Regular reviews
                     and applied  consistently, the  going concern basis   are performed to ensure they are updated in line with
                     applied in the Annual Financial Statements is   external and internal development.
                     appropriate, and that prudent judgements and
                     reasonable estimates have been made in accordance   5.  BUSINESS INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT
                     with the requirements set out in the Malaysian
                     Financial Reporting Standards (MFRSs) and the      With the enforcement of the Corporate Liability provision
                     International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs);  involving commercial organisations under Section 17A
                                                                     of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)
                   •  adequate  processes  and  controls  are  in  place  for   Act 2009 since 1 June 2020, HRC continues to support
                     effective and efficient financial reporting and   the Government initiatives and strong determination to
                     disclosure under the requirements of MFRSs, IFRSs,     fight corruption.
                     the Companies Act  2016 and  Bursa Malaysia
                     Securities  Berhad’s  Main  Market  Listing      HRC  is  certified  under  the  Anti-Bribery  Management
                     Requirements (MMLR); and                        Systems, ISO 37001:2016 and shall continue to adhere with
                                                                     the standard’s requirements in its day-to-day operations.
                   •  the  Annual  Financial  Statements  and  the  quarterly
                     Financial Statements give a true and fair view of      The Risk and Integrity Department is tasked to advocate,
                     the financial position and financial performance   implement, and ensure HRC business integrity management
                     of the Company and do not contain any material   system works in accordance with its intended purposes.
                     misstatement.                                   BRMC  provides  oversight  on  the  overall  implementation
                d.  There is a regular and comprehensive flow of     of business integrity within HRC. A checklist detailing
                   information from Management to the Board on all   the Company’s current capability against the MACC’s
                   aspects of HRC’s operations to facilitate the monitoring   Guideline on Adequate Procedures was presented to
                   of performance against HRC’s corporate strategy,   BRMC in May 2023.
                   business plans and regulatory requirements.
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