Page 3 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER_ISSUE - 4
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2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          3


          Welcome aboard the third                     practices  throughout  the year,  breaking  new

          edition of MMC Ports’                        ground and experiencing sustainable success
                                                       in terms of throughput and performance.
          quarterly newsletter!                        To celebrate the role of all in ensuring an

                                                       ultimately successful year, our main story
          In this issue, we will be focusing on MMC Ports’    “Going Pink: Spearheading Opportunities for
          and its affiliates’ latest happenings and activities   All Genders in Port Operations” focuses on all
          towards the end of the year, culminating from a   MMC  Ports’ recent  progressive  practices  to
          whole year of developments and strides as we   promote gender diversity, as well as initiatives
          collectively prepare for the years and horizons   to empower females in the workplace.
                                                       Multiple initiatives and progressive strides
          Throughout the past two years, Malaysia’s port   have propelled MMC Ports’ progress during
          industry had faced various logistical challenges   the year, allowing the group to achieve multiple
          stemming from the imposed Movement Control   notable feats and make significant inroads in
          Order restrictions and global supply chain   their respective business focuses, as outlined
          disruption, with these factors contributing   in detail in the ‘Around Our Ports’ section.
          towards a shortage  of  containers,  reduced
          vessel capacity and many omissions by shipping   Heading into the next year and beyond,
          lines, ultimately affecting port throughput   MMC Ports hopes to ride upon the wave
          throughout the nation.                       of  momentum, striding  towards  even more
                                                       progressive innovations and milestones.
          Despite these unsteady tides and uncertain
          economic conditions posed throughout the     With that, thank you for being a part of
          endemic phase of 2022, MMC Ports and their   MMC Ports’ year! Do read on for an exclusive
          associates have dedicated themselves to      overview of our year’s progress and forecast
          implementing new innovations and progressive   to navigate the year ahead.
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