Page 7 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER_ISSUE - 4
P. 7

2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          7

           FEATURE STORY:


          An integral part of many
          countries’ international trade for          HIGH ACTIVITY IN MMC’S STRAIT PORTS
          centuries, the Straits of Malacca           MMC’s ports along the Straits of Malacca play central roles
          is among the most heavily                   in accommodating the activity of one of the world’s busiest
          used straits for international              trade and shipping lanes. Our ports and cruise terminals
          navigation. It is the main strategic        offer  abundant  landbank  to cater  to  global  and large  brands,
                                                      especially with the recent demand for Regional Distribution
          seaway connecting the Indian and            Centres and free zone warehouses, as well as linear berths
          Pacific oceans and provides the             and sheltered deep seaports to cater to large container vessels.
          shortest route for ships traversing         The strategic locations of MMC ports and terminals also allow
          regions between the Middle East             easy connections to integral rail freight services, facilitating
          and East Asia and crossing the              inter-terminal transfer movement of containers by railway for
          countries of Malaysia, Indonesia,           countless international clients throughout the years.
          and Singapore.                              As a result, consistent high amounts of activity are experienced
                                                      throughout the year, with two of Malaysia’s ports were rated as
          More than 100,000 ships traverse these      being among the busiest in the world despite a global slump
          sea lanes annually, and it is estimated that   caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
          the Straits carry about 25% of the world’s
          traded goods on a yearly basis.             The aforementioned ports are Port Klang (including MMC’s
                                                      Northport as a part of Port Klang) and Port of Tanjung
          Recognising the importance and heavy        Pelepas,  which  were  ranked  the  12   and  15   busiest  ports  in
          activity of the Straits, MMC currently has all   the world, with the rest of MMC’s ports and terminals along
          seven ports strategically located along the   the Straits also seeing a notable amount of activity.
          Straits of Malacca. These include Port of
          Tanjung Pelepas, Johor Port, Penang Port,
          Northport, Tanjung Bruas Port, SPT Services,
          and Andaman Port.
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