Page 9 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER_ISSUE - 4
P. 9

2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          9

            VOLUME FOR YEAR 2022

            Johor  Port  achieved  another  milestone  by  handling   Johor Port’s historic conventional volume milestone
            its  highest  ever  conventional  throughput  volume  of   is  also  attributed  to  the  implementation  of  several
            19,061,304 FWTs in 2022. This volume represents    successful initiatives. These include the deployment of
            the highest achievement for Johor Port in terms of   maximum Point of Working to expedite the discharging
            conventional cargo handling in a single year and   of conventional cargo and empowerment of its crane
            is mainly contributed by the increase in dry bulk   operators to enhance their skills and competencies
            commodities and liquid bulk volume as compared to   by participating in the various ship crane  training
            previous years.                                    which contributed towards improved performance
                                                               and productivity.
            This volume was achieved amidst a tough period of
            post-COVID pandemic disruptions and prolonged      This achievement has raised the bar for Johor
            global  supply  chain  disruptions  brought  upon  by   Port, positioning the team for more success and
            the Russia-Ukraine conflict and China’s Zero-COVID   encouraging focus on its conventional cargo business
            Policy, which resulted in high global freight rates   segment in the coming years ahead.
            and shortages of containers worldwide. Johor Port’s
            conventional cargo business segment remains stable   Moving forward, Johor Port has put in place a
            as it saw a continuous and sustainable flow of     Port Redevelopment  Plan  to  further improve  the
            diversified hinterland cargo to the Port.          performance of its terminals including various
                                                               equipment  upgrading  and productivity  improvement
            With many major container ports experiencing       initiatives. Johor Port will also continue to invest
            congestion, most industry players are opting to     towards efficiency, implementing new measures in
            move their cargo through conventional means,       order to meet the needs of its customers and remain
            with Johor Port’s advantage as the Southern Gateway   as the Premier Southern Gateway Multi-Purpose Port
            Multi-Purpose Port being utilised to minimise the     and the world’s single largest Palm Oil Terminal.
            risks  associated  with  sole  dependency  on  single
            cargo volume.

           Johor Port achieved another milestone by handling its highest ever conventional throughput volume of 19,061,304 FWTs
           in 2022.

                                                                          PENANG       TANJUNG
          YEAR 2022                   PTP      JOHOR PORT NORTHPORT        PORT       BRUAS PORT    MMC PORTS

          Capacity (million TEUs)     12.5         1.45         5.6         2.3          0.024          21.9
          Throughput (million TEUs)   10.5        0.918         3.17         1.3         0.019          15.9
          Capacity Utilisation        90%         54%          72%          60%           100%          73%
          Local Transhipment Ratio   6 : 94       98 : 2      54 : 46       99 : 1        N/A          28 : 72
          Water Depth (metres)        18.5         11.5      13.0 - 15.0    12.0          10.5          N/A
          No. of Container Berth       14           3           11           6             1            35
          Container Quay Length (KM)  5.04         0.7          2.6          1.5          0.18           10
          No. of Container Quay        60           9           30           12        1-unit 250T       111
          Cranes                                                                      crawler crane
          Gross Moves Per Hour        25.8        24.85        27.36         26           16.5       16.5 - 27.36
          Conventional Cargo Volume   N/A         19.06         11.11       5.80      0.45 million MT   36.5
          (million FWT)
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14