Page 6 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER_ISSUE - 4
P. 6


          GOING PINK:

                                          OPENING UP GREATER OPPORTUNITIES

            GALVANISING WOMEN IN                                           NURTURING
            OPERATIONAL CAPACITIES                                         FUTURE PROSPECTS

            All MMC ports are currently employing or working towards       Penang Port Sdn Bhd (Penang Port)
            the employment of women in previously closed-off fields,       has established a programme for
            especially in operational positions. Some noteworthy examples   future leaders and is poised for
            of this include Johor Port Berhad (Johor Port) 12 females      succession readiness through a talent
            operational sector employees, positioned as engineers in       development programme. With both
            the Maintenance & Repair Department, Auxiliary Police,         male and female talents given equal
            firewomen, and even as operation supervisors in the Port       opportunities to participate, Penang
            Security & Safety Department and the Bulk & Break Bulk         Port has nurtured the potential growth
            Department respectively. In addition, Johor Port chose         of  several  women  towards  attaining
            Ain Zulaikha, one of the female engineers in the Maintenance   senior leadership roles.
            & Repair Department, for their Up Close and Personal feature
            this year.                                                     Tanjung Bruas Port Sdn Bhd (Tanjung
                                                                           Bruas Port) has also cultivated and
            Besides Johor Port, SPT Services Sdn Bhd (SPTS) features       supported the growth of young
            four female employees who work as Operation Assistants,        women through several specialised
            while Northport (Malaysia) Bhd (Northport) has also employed   internship programmes, with the port
            a total of 14 females in operational positions, assigning them to   recently absorbing a female intern to
            vital roles such as Marine Pilots, RTG Operators, Gate Clerks   join the finance department as staff.
            and Prime Mover Drivers.                                       Another new female intern is expected
                                                                           to be accepted into Tanjung Bruas Port
                                                                           around January 2023.

             Coinciding with the International Women’s Day,
             Kontena Nasional Berhad (Kontena Nasional) celebrates
             the involvement and empowerment of its female
             employees with its own annual Kontena Nasional
             Women’s Day.

             As a progressive group, Kontena Nasional is always on
             the lookout for top talent in our workforce, especially
             in  promoting  more  females  in  managerial  positions.
             At present there are various roles in branch offices
             including operations, customer relationship management,
             finance, human resources and safety, health, environment
             and security that are powered by female employees.
             To promote female safety, Kontena Nasional is also
             planning a quarterly sexual harassment awareness
             campaign in line with the recent amendments to the
             Employment Act (Amendment 2022).
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