Page 5 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER_ISSUE - 4
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2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          5

                                          OPENING UP GREATER OPPORTUNITIES

          With  shared  goals  and  frameworks  in  mind,  all  MMC  ports  have  worked  tirelessly  towards
          implementing gender diversity in port operations and management throughout the past two years,
          with the notable highlights as below:

            SDN BHD (PTP)

            PTP firmly believes that gender equality and diversity are essential elements to PTP’s continued success as
            the premier transhipment and free zone business hub in the Asia-Pacific region.

            As such, PTP has executed a progressive strategy within the framework of the PTP Women Empowerment
            Agenda, rolling out various programmes to increase opportunities for women in both operational and
            leadership positions.
            Such talent enrichment initiatives are as follows:

                YOUNG ENGINEER APPRENTICESHIP                      comments, and grievances to the management
                PROGRAMME (YEAP) AND PORT                          to improve upon existing PTP policies and
                OPERATIONAL PLANNING APPRENTICESHIP                development opportunities.
                PROGRAMME (POPA)
                                                                   SPECIAL WORKING ARRANGEMENTS
                  These collaborations trained and exposed
                participating young female talents to the complex        Special working arrangements such as pregnancy
                job dynamics in PTP, empowering their leadership   considerations are available for female employees
                skills.                                            working in the terminal.
                FAST TRACK UP-SKILLING PROGRAMME                     Various facility upgrade projects are already
                AND TALENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMME                      completed or in progress, including designated
                  Selected  female  operations  staff  and  aspiring   female-only rest areas and female prayer rooms,
                leadership members with high potential were        as well as female toilets at the wharf area.
                enrolled on  specially curated training  and
                leadership programmes, aimed to catapult their     SPECIAL FEATURE OF PTP FEMALE TALENTS
                careers towards greater heights.                   IN LOCAL PRINTED AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA
                                                                     Several female talents were featured in local
                INTRODUCTION OF A FLEET OF PINK                    printed and electronic media such as Bernama,
                PRIME-MOVERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH                   RTM, Kosmo!, and Harian Metro to highlight the
                INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY                          importance and emergence of female talents in
                  PTP  successfully  unveiled  a  new  fleet  of  pink   the local port industry.
                prime movers to acknowledge and celebrate
                the progress and excellence that the female        SPECIAL DOCUMENTARY ON PTP FEMALE
                workforce has contributed to the growth and        TALENTS BY MEDIA PRIMA’S MAJALAH 3
                sustainability of PTP.                               A special documentary featuring PTP female
                                                                   talents and their roles was published and aired
                PTP FEMALE EMPLOYEE REFERRAL                       by Media Prima’s Majalah 3 programme.
                  A special monetary incentive was offered to all     SPECIAL FEATURE IN WEBINAR/TALK ON
                PTP employees who introduced potential female      WOMEN EMPOWERMENT
                candidates to the company which resulted in          Several female talents were featured in local
                the successful placement of the applicants.        and international webinar/talk on women
                                                                   empowerment and celebrating women in logistics
                PERIODIC ENGAGEMENT SESSION – WOMEN                and  transport  industry during  the  Chartered
                FOCUS GROUP FORUM                                  Institute of Logistics and Transport.

                  Periodic engagement sessions or Women Focus
                Group forums are also scheduled to ensure
                female employees are able to channel ideas,
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