Page 120 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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118    About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


                 Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated by the Directors and are based on historical experience and other
                 factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
                 The estimates and judgements that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amount of
                 assets within the next financial year is:

                 (a)   Recoverability of the carrying amount of refinery assets
                     The Company reviews the carrying amount of its property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and ROU assets
                     (collectively the refinery assets cash-generating-units (“CGU”)) in accordance with its accounting policy 2.7 on impairment
                     of non-financial assets. The Company’s results from operations in any given period are principally driven by the demand
                     for and price of petroleum products relative to the supply and cost of crude oil.
                     Assumptions considered in the FVLCTS calculations include projected refining margins adjusted for planned turnaround
                     activities, margin uplift initiatives from crude optimisation and estimated production volume based on existing production
                     capacity  and  forecast  demand.  The  FVLCTS  calculations  also  took  into  account  the  planned  capital  expenditure  and
                     incremental operating costs anticipated to ensure compliance with product specification regulations. The assessment
                     was based on management’s assessment adjusted for market conditions to reflect market participants’ perspective
                     (level three (3) in fair value hierarchy) and extrapolating the cash flows over a 20-year period, which reflects the remaining
                     useful life of the refinery assets.
                     The following key assumptions were made in determination of the recoverable amount:
                     (i)   Refining margins per barrel: Between USD3.81 to USD4.57 (2022: USD3.29 to USD6.44)
                     (ii)   Post-tax discount rate: 9.8% (2022: 11.5%)
                     (iii)   Production volume: Based on existing production capacity and forecast demand, considering the impact from
                          climate-related risk
                     Sensitivity analysis:
                     The key estimation uncertainty over the assumptions used by management in the FVLCTS is the refining margins,
                     production volume and discount rate. The sensitivity of these assumptions to the recoverable amount and impairment
                     loss is as follows:
                     •  4.02% (2022: 4.29%) decrease over the 20-year period in refinery margin will result in the recoverable amount being
                        equal to the carrying amount of the refinery assets.
                     •  3.22% (2022: 3.49%) increase over the 20-year period in the discount rate will result in the recoverable amount being
                        equal to the carrying amount of the refinery assets.
                     •  11.49% (2022: 6.62%) decrease over the 20-year period in the production volume will result in the recoverable amount
                        being equal to the carrying amount of the refinery assets.
                     The cash flows forecast is dependent on the achievability of the refinery margins, production volume and assumptions
                     and the corresponding sensitivities as indicated above.
                     Refinery margins are subject to cyclical fluctuations resulting from an over-supply and supply tightness in various global
                     and regional markets. Fluctuations in the short term may result in significant changes in profit or loss.
                     The Directors have considered the impact of climate-related risks in the assumptions, especially on the production
                     volume used to determine the FVLCTS and do not expect the impact to the recoverable amount of the refinery assets to
                     be material at this juncture.
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