Page 125 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 125

Financial Reports &
              Governance                                          HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023 123
                                        Other Information


                 (b)  Credit risk (continued)
                     (ii)   Deposits with licensed banks, bank balances and favourable derivative financial instruments

                          The Company seeks to invest cash assets safely and profitably. Deposits, forward contracts and interest rate swaps
                          entered into are placed only with financial institutions with strong long-term credit ratings based on independent
                          rating agencies. The likelihood of non-performance by these financial institutions is remote based on their high
                          credit ratings.
                          For other favourable derivative financial instruments such as refining margin swaps, commodity swaps, commodity
                          options and forward priced commodity contracts, these are also entered into with counterparties with strong
                          long-term credit ratings based on independent agencies. In addition, the Company may obtain security which can be
                          called upon if the counterparty is in default under terms of agreement.
                     None of the financial assets have been renegotiated in the current financial year.
                 (c)   Liquidity and cash flow risks
                     Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Company’s
                     exposure to liquidity risk arises principally from its payables and borrowings. The Company ensures that cash is available to
                     meet working capital and other financing obligations, and that cash flows are managed efficiently. This is done through
                     cash flows forecasts to achieve optimal cash management planning. The Company sets a minimum level of cash to be held
                     on a daily basis in order to meet both firm commitments and forecast obligations. The Company has sufficient facilities
                     from the banks to meet its liabilities when they fall due. The revolving credit facilities will be reviewed and renewed
                     annually by the banks.

                     As at 31 December 2023, the Company has a net current liabilities position of RM435,770,000. The Company’s net
                     current liabilities position is mainly contributed by short term borrowings and trade and other payables. Based on the cash
                     flows forecast for the next twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements, the Directors are of the
                     view that the Company is able to generate sufficient cash flows for the next twelve months from the date of approval of
                     the financial statements to meet their operation requirements as and when falls due.
                     As at 31 December 2023, there are outstanding borrowings amounting to RM1,720,881,000 (2022: RM1,608,947,000)
                     as disclosed in Note 26.
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