Page 121 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 121

Financial Reports &
              Governance                                          HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023 119
                                        Other Information


                 (b)   Deferred tax assets
                     Deferred tax assets are recognised for all unused tax losses, unabsorbed capital allowances and unused reinvestment
                     allowances to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which these tax benefits can be
                     utilised. Significant management judgement is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be
                     recognised, based on the likely timing and level of future taxable profits.
                     Assumptions about generation of future taxable profits depends on management’s estimates of future production
                     and  sales  volume,  operating  costs  and  capital  expenditure.  Judgement  is  also  required  about  application  of  income
                     tax legislation. These judgements and assumptions are subject to risks and uncertainty hence there is a possibility that
                     changes in circumstances will alter expectations, which may impact the amount of deferred tax assets recognised in the
                     statement of financial position and the amount of unrecognised tax losses, unrecognised unabsorbed capital allowances
                     and unrecognised unused reinvestment allowances.
                     Pursuant to the Malaysia Finance Act 2021 gazetted on 31 December 2021, the time limit to carry forward unused tax
                     losses has been extended to ten consecutive years of assessment from seven years of assessment (“YA”), whereas the
                     unused reinvestment allowances claimed under paragraph 2B, Schedule 7A of the Income Tax Act 1967 can be carried
                     forward for seven consecutive YAs after YA 2024. Unabsorbed capital allowances can be carried forward indefinitely.
                     The change in the tax treatment is effective from YA 2019 and therefore all the brought forward unused tax losses from
                     YA 2018 will be disregarded after YA 2028 and losses incurred in YA 2022 and in YA 2023 will be disregarded after
                     YA 2032 and YA 2033 respectively. The reinvestment allowances claimed in YA 2022 will be disregarded after YA 2031.
                     In the current financial year, the Company has recognised deferred tax assets of RM138,801,000 (2022: RM290,794,000)
                     arising from unused tax losses, unabsorbed capital allowances and unused reinvestment allowances as it is probable that
                     future taxable profits will be available to offset against these tax benefits.
                 (c)   Net realisable value of the hydrocarbon inventories
                     Volatility from both supply and demand side in various global and regional markets may affect the estimated net realisable
                     value of hydrocarbon inventories. The estimated selling prices may fluctuate due to changes in the customers’ demand
                     for petroleum. The Company needs to estimate the net realisable value based on the most reliable evidence at the time
                     the estimate is made. The Company also considers the effect of events occurring after the end of the financial year to the
                     extent that such events confirm conditions existed at the end of the financial year in determining the net realisable value
                     of the hydrocarbon inventories. These estimates require judgements given the uncertainties in the future selling prices and
                     selling costs of the inventories.

                     Based on the assessment performed, the Company has provided RM105,226,000 (2022: RM124,924,000) for inventories
                     write down.
                 (d)   Valuation of derivatives
                     The Company has entered into various contracts for derivatives financial instruments to manage its exposure to crude oil
                     and petroleum product prices and foreign currency exchange rates fluctuations. Crude oil and petroleum products prices
                     and foreign currency exchange rates are heavily influenced by the global and regional economic conditions, political
                     stability, domestic and international government regulations which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company
                     accounts for the fair value of these derivatives based on the mark-to-market valuations performed by the external trading
                     counterparties. Judgements on estimates are required to establish that the mark-to-market valuation performed is within
                     a tolerable range reflecting the prevailing market conditions as at the reporting date. Refer to Note 19 for the details of
                     derivative instruments contracted by the Company.
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