Page 32 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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30     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            Crude oil markets continued to experience volatility in 2023 due to geopolitical hostilities, global economics, and US interest
            rates hike. Numerous risks underlie the current relative calm. Continued conflict in the Eastern Europe prolonged for over a year,
            is now accompanied by the risk of protracted conflict in the Middle East. Underpinned by these factors, freight cost and crude oil
            premium remain elevated despite falling hydrocarbon cracks.
            Periods of extreme weather are becoming a major hazard for energy security. The rapid emergence of renewable energy and
            new technologies are also emerging as market disrupters. The year ended with global solidarity on the COP28 agreement to transition
            away from fossil fuels which could cause significant impact on demand and supply, and trade and investment within the industry.

            Despite these challenges, led by China’s   THE YEAR’S CRUDE OIL PRICE PERFORMANCE
            recovery in oil demand which accounted for                 Brent Crude - Historical Annual Data
            80% of this year’s increase, global oil demand
            grew by 2.3 mbpd in 2023 and crossed      Year    Closing Price  Year Open  Year High  Year Low  Year Close
            the  100  mbpd  mark  for  the  first  time  in
            history. As a whole, global oil demand in     2023  $82.49     $80.36    $97.10     $71.03     $77.39
            2023  was  around  101.7 mbpd  from       2022     $100.93     $78.25    $133.18    $76.02     $82.82
            100  mbpd in 2022, and Brent’s 2023       2021      $70.86     $50.37    $85.76     $50.37     $77.24
            annual price averaged 18% YoY lower at
            USD82.49 per barrel (2022: USD100.93/b).  2020      $41.96     $67.05    $70.25      $9.12     $51.22

                                                                        BRENT CRUDE OIL PRICES

                                                      Brent Crude Oil Prices (USD/Barrel)  80




                                                         2015       2017        2019       2021        2023

                                                   2023 DOMESTIC MARKET LANDSCAPE
                                                   Within this backdrop, Malaysia’s economy stayed resilient and delivered a gross
                                                   domestic product (GDP) of 4%, supported by  improved  household  income,
                                                   the recovery of the global electronic cycle and resumption of global tourism.
                                                   Analysts continue to forecast that Malaysia’s oil and gas sector will stay buoyant
            *   The  28  Conference of the Parties of the  United
              Nations  Framework Convention on  Climate   in 2024, underpinned by resilient investment and oil prices. Malaysia’s 2024
              Change  (COP28)  held  in  Dubai  and  concluded  on     Budget is based on a Brent oil price assumption of USD85 per barrel,
              13 December 2023.                    supported by continued production cuts from the Organisation of the Petroleum
            Sources:                               Exporting Countries (OPEC) at least until mid-2024, geopolitical uncertainties,
            - World Energy Outlook 2024 (WEO)      anticipated diminishing supply growth from the United  States  in  2024,
            - International Energy Agency Oil Market report  and restocking drive of the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve.
            - Malaysian Institute of Economic Research
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