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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  35

                                                         Strategic Initiative 1

                  Champion Asset Reliability and Integrity Management  Limiter tracking was introduced as part of the RST agenda
                                                                    to ensure potential threats are monitored and mitigated.
                  We credit the year’s reliability achievement  to the strong
                  team spirit as employees from various disciplines adhered    A site-wide Asset Masterplan (AMP) work practice was
                  to formalised processes and responsibilities  to realise   also developed and approved to formalise the process.
                  continuous reliability improvement as embedded within   As a result of the proactive monitoring by the Reliability
                  HRC’s Annual Reliability Plan and Site-wide Asset Masterplan.   Team, when the TA 2023 window opened up a timely
                                                                    opportunity  to resolve  identified  refinery  threats, we  were
                  The execution of the plan included weekly Area Reliability   able to significantly reduce total active threats by 49.70%.
                  Team (ART) sessions where employees from various
                  departments discussed specific threats to their discipline
                  and ensured that these threats are tracked and mitigated.
                  During the monthly Reliability Steering Team (RST) meetings,
                  top threats were then prioritised in our review of site      For more details on our Reliable Operations and Production,
                                                                               please refer to page 40 of our Sustainability Report 2023.
                  reliability issues and improvement plans. A Production Run

                                                         Strategic Initiative 2
                  Deliver an optimised and successful TA 2023       The E4M unit which was completed in 2022, received
                                                                    the  Certificate  of  Completion  and  Compliance  (CCC)
                  Our   major  Turnaround  was  executed  smoothly,
                  notwithstanding the challenge of performing extensive   during the year and began operations without any safety
                  inspection on hundreds of equipment, and simultaneous   incidents and with all products meeting the rundown
                  handling of other emergent works. It was thus with pride     specification.
                  that HRC achieved a safe, leak-free, and flawless re-startup   All product quality targets for the year were met at HRC’s
                  with all units operating without incident in the shortest   laboratory  too  as  products  were  tested  on-specifications
                  possible  time.  Turnaround,  shutdown  and  start-up  were   with no delays related to starting-up. A score of above
                  executed  seamlessly  without  any  major  product  quality   95% was achieved in the Global Proficiency Testing Scheme
                  issues or safety incidents. More importantly, the successful   (GFPS)  that the  lab  participated  in to  give  assurance to
                  execution of TA 2023 ensures that the refinery can be safely   our customers on the testing accuracy of our results.
                  operated for another five-year cycle.             We achieved higher ratings for FY2023 in the annual
                                                                    customer satisfaction survey scores, a testament to our
                  A notable outcome is our crude distiller unit CD2, tested   commitment to continuous improvement.
                  able to process a new record high throughput between unit
                  design, from 12.5kt/d to 14.5kt/d. Unit integrity has been
                  checked  by our  professional  colleagues and  assured with
                  green light for the go ahead. It is now under close proactive
                  monitoring and in readiness to process higher crude run         For more details on our Product Quality, please refer to
                  whenever necessary.                                             pages 21 and 22 of our Sustainability Report 2023.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 3
                  Continue with the implementation of the Continuous   The  ongoing  continuous  improvements  are  intended  to
                  Improvement Programme                             reduce operational cost, align processes to best practices,
                                                                    meet customers’ needs and requirements, while increasing
                  In parallel with building capabilities, leadership support and   employee engagement and HRC’s human net worth.
                  programme stewardship, HRC’s Continuous Improvement   Through CI, HRC continues to build traction, maintain focus,
                  (CI) programme forms a platform for the Company’s   and be resilient in committing to perform better by delivering
                  overall operational excellence programme. It provides    marked improvements.
                  end-to-end business process focus for the delivery of
                  operational cost savings  and effectiveness improvements.
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