Page 35 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  33

                                                         Strategic Initiative 1

                  The implementation of HRC’s People Programme for     The established People Programme is anchored on the
                  a future-ready organisation                       following core purpose statements:

                                                                          group identity, and achieve organisation goals as
                   Our success depends on the investments                 ONE Hengyuan with unlocked synergies and seamless
                   we make for a highly trained, flexible, engaged,       collaboration.
                   and motivated workforce.
                                                                          employee centric experience and thriving workforce with
                  Within the dynamic and increasingly competitive landscape   the unwavering support from leaders and employees to
                  of Malaysia’s refining industry, talent retention and   strive towards sustainable business growth.
                  development has become a prime commodity, as the world   RE-IMAGINE
                  undergoes unprecedented changes, driven by factors      work to operate with efficiency and align to group vision
                  such as technological advancements, evolving consumer   and mission, to strengthen market competitiveness for
                  preferences, and the global shift towards sustainable practice.  future success.
                  In  2023  HRC  developed  a  People  Programme  with  an   The People Programme was rolled out in the last quarter
                  action  plan tailored  towards building  a culturally  aligned   of 2023, with the Human Resource department organising
                  and future-ready organisation. This strategic endeavour   three Company-wide employee engagement sessions to
                  aims to harmonise the workforce with the demands of the   brief employees on key milestones of the modules that
                  contemporary business environment, fostering resilience    form the People Programme such as organisation structure
                  and adaptability, while ensuring employee loyalty and   & manpower; grading structure & career pathway; rewards;
                  satisfaction. This means  empowering  our employees and   and performance management.
                  providing the right operational framework for them to
                  develop and achieve satisfaction.                 The progress of these plans shall continue to be updated
                                                                    in subsequent dedicated People Programme engagement
                                                                    sessions in 2024 to ensure good employee engagement
                                                                    and transparency  in developing  performance recognition
                                                                    incentives, as well as opportunities to advance career
                                                                    trajectory and establish competitive remuneration packages.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 2
                  Retaining and attracting talent to build a sustainable   By prioritising ESG considerations in our operations,
                  talent pool                                       we expect to see positive results in employee satisfaction,
                                                                    motivation, and overall transformation. On the recruitment
                  Drawing out from the People Programme, a key initiative   front, we leverage on this commitment to observe ESG
                  that HRC has embarked on is the transition to a structured   principles and sustainability to help us attract and retain top
                  and robust Performance Management System (PMS) that will   talents, who prioritise purpose-driven work.
                  allow us to continuously manage and improve employees’
                  performance, and ultimately to achieve organisation success.   Supporting our recruitment drive, HRC has remained
                  “Leveraging Performance as a Powerful Tool in Delivering   committed to progressing ongoing initiatives such as the
                  Business Results” workshop was rolled out in January 2024   Graduate Programme, where six graduates have been
                  for Leadership Team and Departmental Heads to provide   absorbed  as employees  upon completion  of the  five-year
                  an overview in equipping our leaders with the knowledge,    programme. HRC has also welcomed 13 interns in 2023.
                  skills, and necessary tools to effectively manage and
                  improve the performance of the team. The Human Resource
                  department will roll out similar workshops in 2024 to the
                  rest  of  the  employees  on  cascading  departmental  KPIs  to
                  individual goals.
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