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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  37

                                                         HSSE & COMPLIANCE

                  FY2023 was deemed a challenging year for HRC’s Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) performance due
                  to TA 2023. The execution of extensive scopes to be completed safely within a stipulated timeframe amplifies safety and
                  security  risks  due  to the  influx  of  contractors  and activities  within  the  refinery. During the  peak of TA  2023, there  were
                  almost 2,000 workers on-site. Through systematic HSSE management, coupled with good planning and escalation in safety
                  awareness training, HRC’s TA 2023 was delivered safely with zero Lost Time Injury (LTI). Multiple visits by authorities were
                  also managed with no fine nor penalty issued to HRC.
                  There were nine (9) incidents of accidental injury across the year with two (2) instances requiring the resetting of HRC’s
                  No Harm Days counter to zero. We also recorded one (1) American Petroleum Industry (API) Tier 1 and four (4) API Tier 2 Process
                  Safety Events (PSE) during the year. All events were investigated and assessed during the incident investigation review sessions.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 1
                  Strive for HSSE excellence and assurance          HRC also participated in the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award
                                                                    (PMHA) 2021/2022 cycle. The aim of the award is to present
                  HRC is committed to advocate best practices in our industry    an opportunity for public recognition of business and
                  and lead by example. The implementation is via
                  ISO 45001(2018), which is internationally recognised   industry’s  environmental  accomplishment,  excellence  and
                  for Occupation, Safety and Health Management System   leadership that showcases sustainability excellence in Malaysia.
                  (OSHMS).  During  the  year,  as  HRC  was  the  winner  of  the   The assessment concluded in 2023, and HRC won the
                                                                    Excellent Achievement Award in Environmental Performance
                  National Council for Occupational Safety and Health    which is the top tier recognition award in the programme.
                  (NCOSH) award in 2019, we were proud to be interviewed
                  by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health   On the assurance front, HRC had successfully conducted
                  (NIOSH) for research on developing an adaptive assessment   the Surveillance Audit by SIRIM for Integrated Management
                  tool for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) culture in   System (IMS) – ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and
                  Malaysia. The interview was conducted in September 2023.  received SIRIM’s recommendation for the continuation of
                                                                    certification. It was concluded that HRC has maintained
                  Several audits were successfully concluded in 2023.
                  After being audited by the Chief Government Security    and implemented the Integrated Management System
                  Officer (CGSO) and the Malaysian Communications and   (IMS) with five Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) received
                                                                    during the audit.
                  Multimedia Commission, HRC was awarded 94%, with 5
                  stars for Critical Installation Facility. Upon this achievement,   In addition, Site Internal Assurance was enhanced with four
                  HRC was invited to attend a high-tea session as appreciation   work processes audit completed in 2023, as we re-created
                  for employing good practices in our operations.   pools of qualified auditors for our own periodic on-site checks.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 2
                  Delivery of safe TA 2023, without injury and HSSE   safely, with the right footing. Close focus was given to
                  incident                                          Confined Space Entry (CSE), Lifting, High Pressure Water
                                                                    Jet (HPWJ), Mercury Handling and Management, as well as
                  Preparations for a safe and secure TA 2023 began with
                  the goal of delivering HSSE excellence and a clear target to   Scheduled Waste and Effluent Management.
                  achieve and attempt to surpass HRC’s HSSE KPI scorecard.   On-site, additional Security  and Entry Management
                  A structured plan was put in place encompassing structured   protocols were implemented to manage the expected high
                  protocols  such  as  daily  HSSE  meeting  and  daily  HSSE   volume of new and foreign workers.
                  walkabout during TA period for assuring and discussing    Core-TA training session and continuous safety programmes
                  HSSE matters and concerns. The plan leveraged on the HSSE   were also organised to establish understanding and
                  Reward System & Consequence Management Framework   encourage interventions. We stayed agile and responsive,
                  with initiatives such as the HSSE Contractor Award to   and conducted a TA 2023 campaign on Life Saving Rules
                  encourage excellence in safety intervention and compliance.  (LSR), Near-miss & Potential Incident (NMPI) Intervention
                  To establish a safe work site for all workers, a systematic   Heroes  and  HSSE  Contractor  Awards  throughout  the
                  onboarding programme for selected contractors was   Turnaround period. All campaigns were aimed to enhance
                  introduced whereby a dedicated TA HSSE Plan for each   worker’s understanding and offer rewards for safe working
                  main contractor was prepared. Closer supervision and site   practices.
                  verification were trained on high risk jobs to start the job
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