Page 44 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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42     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis

            FY2023 STRATEGIC REVIEW

                                                           FUTURE FOCUS

                  Staying future ready in an ever evolving industry requires staying nimble and agile to change. We have successfully executed
                  phase 1 of HRC’s Energy Masterplan and in 2024 we will be doing the preparatory work for 2025 and 2026.
                  Going forward, we will work towards balancing energy production and security, with the stewardship of the environment.
                  Through the establishment of our ESG Framework towards net zero carbon emission by year 2050, we now have a roadmap
                  that provides an opportunity to build value and increase the efficiency of our operations.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 1
                  Initiating the Flare Gas Recovery Unit project    flare gases generated during normal and routine operations
                                                                    instead of burning them to atmosphere, the FGRU will utilise
                  Recovering flare gas is essential for reducing our carbon   these gases as an energy source which will improve energy
                  footprint and promoting environmental sustainability.     efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
                  We are actively pursuing the Flare Gas Recovery Unit (FGRU)
                  project with a firm commitment to recovering as much   This project represents one of several strategic initiatives
                  flare gas as possible for internal use. This project aims to   designed to help us achieve our ambitious goal of net zero
                  recover the high value hydrocarbon gases from flaring and   carbon emissions by 2050.
                  reducing carbon emissions to the atmosphere. By recovering

                                                         Strategic Initiative 2

                  Enhancing energy efficiency through further execution   As a result of our focus on better energy management,
                  of the Energy Masterplan                          HRC successfully completed four projects during the
                                                                    TA 2023 as per the Energy Masterplan roadmap that has
                  In 2023, HRC achieved its best energy performance in the   enabled us to improve energy efficiency at site by reducing
                  past 10 years, surpassing its 2023 target with an actual   energy consumption. The projects were as follows:
                  energy efficiency index (EII) of 104.8 versus target of 106.8.
                  This was a result of steadfast execution of HRC’s long-term   •  F-3201 Boiler Retubing
                  Energy Masterplan.                                •  CO Boiler Economiser Cleaning

                  Efforts were directed towards continuous optimisation   •  Replacement of Plat-2 Feed Effluent Exchanger
                  of overall refinery energy consumption to ensure the   •  Replacement of CD-2 F-190 Air Preheater
                  most optimal energy mix is being utilised at any one time.
                  We developed 2023 EII targets for each process unit
                  (within  the refinery)  to encourage  better  ownership and
                  drive towards energy optimisation. The successful execution
                  of Turnaround 2023 has also helped to restore the overall   For more details on our Energy Management initiatives, please refer
                  plant performance enabling greater equipment efficiency.    to pages 48 and 49 of our Sustainability Report 2023.

                   2024 Future Focus Priority:
                   •  Preparatory work for 2025 and 2026 Energy Masterplan initiatives
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