Page 46 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 46

44     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


                                                  OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES

                  Other income reduced by 38.30% as compared to     i.e.  Hydrogen  Manufacturing Unit and Euro 4 Mogas
                  FY2022  due  to  non-recurring  liquidated  damages  claimed.    in FY2022. On the other hand, other operating gains
                  A 6.90% increase in manufacturing expenses during   recorded in FY2023 was mainly contributed by favourable
                  the financial year was mainly attributable to planned     mark-to-market effects on commodity swap, offset by
                  maintenance activities carried out to coincide with the     unfavourable exchange rate movement. Finance cost
                  TA 2023 exercise. Meanwhile, administrative expenses   continued to be affected by the interest rate hike, especially
                  decreased by 13% due to RM12.10 million non-recurring   on the USD denominated loans. Taxation in FY2023 was
                  impairment of equipment made in FY2022.           recognised to the extent that it is probable that future
                                                                    taxable profits will be available for utilisation prior to the
                  Higher depreciation and amortisation  charges, with
                  an increase of 27.40%, arose from the completion of    expiry of the tax benefits.
                  TA  2023  in the third quarter of 2023 and major projects

                                                    TOTAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES

                  Total assets decreased by RM984.20 million or 14.90%   The  valuation  basis  of  these  assets  is  as  stated  in  our
                  from  the previous  financial  year.  Details  of total  assets  of     accounting policies.
                  RM5.60 billion in FY2023 are set out below:
                                                                    •  The  Company’s  current  assets  mainly  comprise  of
                  •  Carrying  amount  of  fixed  assets  i.e.  property,  plant  and   inventories, receivables and bank balances. Current assets
                    equipment, intangible assets and right-of-use assets of   decreased from RM4.30 billion to RM3.30 billion, a drop
                    RM2.20 billion comprises:                         of 22.70% as compared to FY2022. The decrease is
                                                                      mainly due to lower receivables, inventories and bank
                          CARRYING AMOUNT OF FIXED ASSETS             balances as at year end.
                                                                    Total  liabilities  decreased  by  19.30%  or  RM1  billion  from
                                                                    RM5.20 billion to RM4.20 billion in FY2023. Further details
                                                                    are set out below:
                                                                    •  Current  liabilities  mainly  comprise  of  payables  and
                                                                      borrowings. Trade payables mainly relates to payables
                                                                      for crude purchases. Lower liabilities is largely due to
                                                                      settlement of derivative financial liabilities, coupled with
                                                                      lower crude payables.

                                                                    •  Non-current  liabilities  mainly  comprise  of  medium  term
                           Mogas (Euro 4M)  41%      HDS2 - Hijau   6%  notes, which are repayable over a five (5)-year period,
                            Others   19%         Land and Buildings  3%  denominated in RM and are secured by way of charges on
                            HMU      11%         E5G        3%        the Company’s assets.
                           TA 2023     8%        LRCCU      2%
                            CAR       7%

                  Cash balance held as at year end remained above RM1 billion to cater for crude purchases payment and working capital.


                  The Board of Directors assessed the cash flows prior to declaration of dividend in compliance with the Companies Act 2016.
                  The Board has formed the view that it would not be prudent for the Company to declare any dividends at this juncture, given
                  the financial performance and volatility of the market. Hence no dividends have been declared for the financial year ended
                  31 December 2023. The Board will continue to review the dividend prospects, while considering the long-term value creation
                  for its shareholders. HRC’s Board had on 30 August 2022 approved the Dividend Policy for adoption by the Company.
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