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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  45

            FY2023 KEY PERFORMANCE
            INDICATORS (KPIs)

            Our KPIs assess the performance of the Company across all aspects of operations in a balanced Business Performance Scorecard.
            Non-financial indicators include measures of production and reliability, safety, commercial relevance, sustainability and governance.
            Financial indicators cover margin, financial performance and return on investment. Additional KPIs tied to sustainability are elaborated
            in our Sustainability Report 2023 which is available on our website at

               KPI SCORECARD                                              2023    2022     2021     2020     2019

                   SAFETY         Lost Time Injuries (LTI)                   0        1        0       1        0
                                  LTI Free Manhours Worked                  5.2     2.5      6.9      3.0     10.1
                                  Process Safety Events (API Tier 1)         1        0        0       1        0
                                  Process Safety Events (API Tier 2)         4        3        1       2        2

                                  First Aid Cases (FAC)                      7        3        2       6        6
              & RELIABILITY       Operational Availability %               99.3    93.7     96.9     95.4     96.3
                                  Unplanned Downtime (UPDT) %               0.7     6.2      2.5      4.6      3.7
                                  Production Volume (million bbl)          32.0    37.8     35.0     34.2     38.8
                MARGIN &
                FINANCIAL         Gross Profit/(Loss) Margin (USD/bbl)     (1.0)    2.5      7.2      2.7      3.3
            PERFORMANCE           Sales Volume (million bbl)               34.0    39.7     36.3     35.1     41.9
                                  Revenue (RM million)                   15,399  21,142   12,006    7,176   12,637

                                  Profit/(Loss) After Tax (RM million)     (489)    (158)     83     251       35
                                  Cash Generated From/(Used In) Operations   (25)    17      224     435     1,259
                                  (RM million)
                                  Quick Ratio                               0.5     0.6      0.6      0.9      0.8

               RETURN ON          Shareholders’ Funds (RM million)        1,403   1,374    2,052    2,168    2,011
                                  Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (sen)          (163)     (53)     28      84       12
                                  Return on Average Capital Employed (times)
                                  (EBIT/(Average total assets-average current
                                  liability)                               (0.2)    (0.1)    0.1      0.1        -
              SUSTAINABLE         Natural Resources
                                  Energy Intensity Index (EII) (Target =106.8)    104.8   113.8  113.1  116.9  110.9
                                  Effluents - Average Oil in Water
                                  Concentration (avg mg/l)                  3.3     1.0      0.6      1.7      1.0
                                  Raw Water Consumption (Million m )        2.1     1.8      1.9      1.9      1.7
                                  Waste Management
                                  •  Effluent Water Discharge (Million m )  2.5     2.5      2.0      1.9      1.4
                                  •  Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
                                    Sludge (MT)                             99      509      196     328      305
                                  •  Spent Oil Water Emulsion (MT)         243      342      774    1,102    1,374
                                  Public Complaints                          1        3        1      10        5

                                  Social/Community Project Investment
                                  (RM‘000)                                 25.3    32.0     26.2     19.6     66.2
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52