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40     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis

            FY2023 STRATEGIC REVIEW

                                                        STAKEHOLDER VALUE

                  The sustainable value delivery focus for the year centred on supporting the smooth and successful completion of TA 2023.
                  This ensures resilient and proactive compliance with governing procedures and regulations, while we continue on our journey
                  to optimise HRC’s supply chain activities and implement cost optimisation strategic initiatives.
                  Mindful of oil price volatility, geopolitical tensions, and to ensure the requirement for TA 2023 purchases are met,
                  we worked to optimise HRC’s supply chain activities and implemented more cost saving as well as cost optimisation
                  strategic initiatives. These included engaging a wider selection of vendors, implementing proper cost controls,
                  improving negotiations and staying agile and responsive in protecting our margins. Outside of operations, we remained
                  committed to be socially responsible in our business affairs and make a positive contribution to our local community through
                  better engagements and long-term social investment.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 1
                  Drive overall product value improvement initiatives  in the third quarter. The production plan was in sync with
                                                                    this movement. We continued selling combined cycled oil
                  In the first half of 2023, China’s reopening effect on the market
                  and the recovery of domestic demand within China, reduced   (CCO) with a nimble quality price escalator and de-escalator
                  export volume to the east. We imported 41.7kt residue in   formula to favourably reflect CCO value when pooled as
                  the first quarter of 2023 by producing more mogas for HRC   fuel oil while still providing a viable optimisation room to
                  in view of strong mogas cracks. We continued maximising   capture the gains from higher CCO processing into gasoil
                  high  gasoil yields  crudes  to capture  the high  gasoil  value.     10ppm  in  actual  daily  operations.  Subsequently  following
                  Other key initiatives taken to increase overall product value   poorer mogas crack in the last quarter, we ran the LRCCU
                  include maximising the product cut corresponding to the   at lower run rates to minimise mogas production and kept
                  cracks level. For instance, mogas was strong particularly in   maximising middle distillates production throughout 2023.
                  the first two quarters of the year, while jet started to pick up

                                                         Strategic Initiative 2

                  Enhance supply chain quality, reliability and efficiency  We will continue to explore international vendors of good
                                                                    quality and high reputation yet offering competitive pricing.
                  HRC is committed to supporting local businesses and has
                  made a tangible impact on the community, contributing to   Other initiatives to enhance the supply chain operations
                  its growth and sustainability. During TA 2023 we prioritised   include closely monitoring contract status by initiating
                  the selection of local vendors wherever it made sound   inter-department  collaborations;  negotiating  with  current
                  business sense. However in our operations, sourcing the   contractors  for cost  savings; sourcing  substitutes of  equal
                  right vendors and having a diversified supply network   effectiveness but lower price; improving warehousing stock
                  benefits HRC as an operating entity in the long run.    accuracy to 98% through the cyclical counting method
                  In recent years we have explored contracts with a wider   of checks and balances; and targeting on time delivery by
                  market to ensure the most competitive market contracts   working closely with end-users.
                  are obtained while meeting our quality expectations and
                  sustainability  standards.  Suppliers  from  new  markets  such
                  as South Korea, Japan, and Germany, Swiss and China have
                  been added to our pool in seeking the best deals for HRC.       For more details on our Supply Chain Management, please refer
                                                                            to pages 38 and 39 of our Sustainability Report 2023.
                                                         Strategic Initiative 3

                  Continuous engagement with stakeholders           we  actively  collaborated  with  local  government  bodies
                                                                    and communities, ensuring that our operations align with
                  HRC remains committed to community well-being and
                  environmental stewardship. Our initiatives reflect our   environmental safety standards and meet community
                  dedication to transparency, safety, and collaboration, aligning   expectations. These efforts were aimed at fostering trust and
                  with both regulatory requirements and the expectations of   building an ongoing dialogue with the community.
                  our valued fenceline communities. Throughout FY2023,
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