Page 38 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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36     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis

            FY2023 STRATEGIC REVIEW

                                        Strategic Initiative 3 (continuation from previous page)

                  Guided by a roadmap that was supported by the     QUARTER 2, 2023:
                  Management, the following CI milestones were achieved in   -  Conducted focus group discussions
                  FY2023:                                             Sessions were conducted with various departments to
                                                                      identify success measurements of effectiveness and
                  QUARTER 1, 2023:
                  -  CI governance framework and blueprint in place   efficiencies. These were captured in a value chain process
                    Upon  completion  of  pre-programme  assessment,   chart on the Targeted Organisation Capability Map.
                    HRC scored an operational  excellence  maturity level  at     QUARTER 3, 2023:
                    3.0 out of 5.0 with a Lean Diagnostics score of 14.8   -  Training module development
                    out of full score of 20. This provided understanding     Customised  training  contents,  tools  and  processes  were
                    of current issues and gaps to refine an effective CI   developed for the Kaizen programme which provides
                    Blueprint  strategically  aligned  to  HRC’s  business  plan     quality awareness, skills and knowledge needed for specific
                    and Operational Excellence  Framework. The blueprint   implementation adoption.
                    provides a detailed execution plan supported with
                    governance and programme monitoring mechanism.
                                                                    QUARTER 4, 2023:
                  -  Appointment and onboarding of 12 Quality       -  Kaizen programme development
                    Champions                                         The Kaizen programme has also been devised and
                    The Quality Champions have defined roles and      developed to reach out to all staff to find areas for
                    responsibilities to drive the implementation and leverage   improvement that will ensure the refinery’s overall success.
                    CI in their departments.
                  -  Launch of CI poster design
                    Staff were engaged through the CI Poster design
                    competition to harness more ideas and perceptions,
                    while enhancing Company-wide awareness.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 4

                  Encourage pursuit of margin improvement tactics   savings of around USD6.8 million, depending on their
                                                                    utilisation.  The  BIP  tactics  will  result  in  an  increase  in
                  Even amidst the added pressure of TA 2023 activities,     refinery crude oil processing capability, reduce product
                  HRC continued to deliver on our Business Improvement   quality giveaways, increase gas oil production, and crude
                  Plan (BIP) in the stipulated time, due to the hard work and   diversification  to allow us the flexibility to choose cheaper
                  dedication of our employees.
                  A total of eight BIP  tactics were executed  during the year
                  to enhance the margin of the refinery. These will be   Moving forward into 2024, nine more tactics are set as
                  operationalised in FY2024 towards an estimated potential   target for execution, with the potential to encash margins of
                                                                    USD5.2 million in 2025 depending on utilisation.

                   2024 Operational Excellence Priorities:
                   •  Execute nine identified 2024 BIP tactics
                   •  Deliver identified strategic project especially SBM (single buoy mooring) changeout and anchor chain replacement to
                     eliminate integrity risks associated with ageing marine assets
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