Page 33 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  31

            According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), world   The continued financial strength of the industry is likely to raise
            oil demand is expected to rise faster than expected next year,   expectations of investors, regulators, and other stakeholders,
            with world consumption forecasted to rise by 1.1 mbpd in   who may anticipate further progress in emissions reduction,
            2024, buoyed by improvements in the outlook for the United   augmented investments in low-carbon energies, and amplified
            States and barring further deterioration in the macroeconomic   returns  for  shareholders.  These  expectations  may  serve  as  a
            environment. The global upstream industry, for example,     driving force, spurring companies to focus even further on
            is projected to maintain its 2023 hydrocarbon investment    both emission reduction and economic performance.
            level of about USD580 billion (an increase of 11% year over year)
            and generate over USD800 billion in free cash flows in 2024.


            (Based on the report from Deloitte, ‘Potential disruptors in the oil   The 2024 oil and gas industry outlook is shaped by five trends
            and gas industry’):                                  and industry drivers that are expected to play an important role
                                                                 in shaping the strategies and priorities of oil and gas companies
                                                                 in the upcoming year:

                            GEOPOLITICAL UNCERTAINTY                          Energy Transition
                            •  Evolving situations in Eastern Europe         Prudently allocating
                              and the Middle East                                capital and
                            •  Changing patterns of global trade             effectively executing
                                                                             clean energy policies

                                                                                    Critical Minerals
                            EMERGENCE OF NEW TECHNOLOGY                          Participating in the energy
                            •  Majority of clean energy technologies               transition by securing
                              remain under development                            a position in the supply
                            •  Securing supply chain is imperative                chain to tackle perceived
                              for upcoming technologies                              end-market risks

                                                                            Global Energy Trade
                                                                               Embracing the
                            MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT                         growing dynamism
                            •  High inflation is increasing material         in energy trade and
                              and technical costs                               relationships
                            •  Rising interest rate is driving 10-year
                              treasury yields (in the United States)
                              to their highest levels since 2007
                                                                                  Technology Adoption
                                                                                     Harnessing the
                                                                                  power of generative AI
                            Policy and regulatory initiatives:
                            •   Net zero emission by 2050 targeted                for innovative solutions
                              by 106 nations                                      and new value creation
                            •   Governments worldwide allocated
                              USD1.34 trillion in clean energy
                              since 2020                                    Downstream Industry
                            •   Nearly 200 parties reached historic            Revamping the
                              agreement during COP28 to transition            refining industry in
                              away from fossil fuels, triple renewable      alignment with evolving
                              energy and increase climate finance             demand patterns
                              for the most vulnerable
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