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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  39

                                                         Strategic Initiative 4

                  Heighten  the  Company’s  maturity  in  process  safety   Process Safety  Campaign was conducted successfully
                  excellence                                        from 20 February to 16 March 2023 with the theme
                                                                    “Together We Can Eliminate Process Safety Incidents” to
                  Improvement initiatives for HRC’s Process Safety Management
                  (PSM) framework continue to be implemented.       increase frontliner awareness on managing the integrity
                  Two improvements were introduced in FY2023.       of operating  systems  and processes  which  could result
                                                                    in a major incident. Activities included face-to-face
                  Under Pillar 1  Commit to Process Safety (“Workforce   engagement sessions with various departments, information
                  Involvement”), an update was done in the risk assessment   booths on many aspects of process safety, as well as a
                  template to ensure a minimum workforce participation   LFI (Learning from Incident) booth for employees to learn
                  quorum for hazard assessment. This was extended for   on past incidents that happened in HRC and other sites that
                  specific hazards which requires expertise of niche disciplines   are applicable to HRC.
                  to be involved in the assessment. Under Pillar 3 Manage Risk   There were three fire events and three loss of primary
                  (Training & Performance Assurance), a mandatory training   containment (LOPC) Process Safety events, with one of the
                  programme was developed for HEMP Critical Positions.     fire event exceeding API Tier 1 threshold. All have been
                  The programme includes an assessment to ensure that   investigated, with recommendations from learning outcomes
                  workers demonstrate they have understood the training   captured, shared site-wide and centrally tracked within
                  and can apply it in practical situations. The full training   the iMax incident management and reporting platform.
                  programme is to be rolled out in 2024 site-wide.

                                                Key Milestones (20 February to 16 March 2023)

                           1                  2                  3                  4              CAMPAIGN
                      ENGAGEMENT         ENGAGEMENT         ENGAGEMENT         ENGAGEMENT         MAIN EVENT
                    •  Between 20 to    •  Between 28 Feb   •  Between 6 to    •  Between 13 to   (16 March 2023)
                      23 Feb – internal   to 2 Mar – group   9 Mar – group     15 Mar – group   •  4 mini booths
                      communication     engagement          engagement         engagement         -  Site LFIs
                      to announce       sessions to         sessions to        sessions to        -  PS Processes
                      the Process       discuss on SCE.     discuss Process    discuss Process    -    Inspection
                      Safety event,                         Hazard Analyses.   Information.        Processes
                      followed by group                                                           -   Major Turnaround
                      engagement                                                                   related
                      sessions to discuss                                                       •  Closing event

                                      PRE – EVENTS (ENGAGEMENT SESSIONS)

                   Pre-event activities were held in small groups as majority of our refinery personnel work in shifts. This enabled effective
                   interactions as topics are made relevant to the groups’ work function. We adopt the Learn From Incident (LFI) model in
                   our engagement for an educational and impactful learning session. To make these sessions fun and interactive, games and
                   quizzes were held as well. The events achieved an optimal level of reach site-wide.

                                                                                    For more details on Process Safety, please refer to
                                                                                    pages 29 and 30 of our Sustainability Report 2023.

                   2024 HSSE & Compliance Priorities:
                   •  Upholding compliance to HSSE compliance and legal requirements at all times
                   •  Revival of on-site System Assurance programme which covers periodic health checks, internal and external audit
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