Page 45 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 45

Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  43


            In the year under review, the Company reported a loss after tax of RM488.60 million as compared to loss after tax of RM157.60
            million in the previous financial year. Refining margins continued to remain volatile during the year resulting in a full year oil margin
            of USD0.40/bbl (FY2022: USD1.05bbl), including the effects of cracks and commodity swaps. Further analysis of the financial
            performance is as follows:

                                                    REVENUE AND GROSS MARGIN

                  The Company recorded a total revenue of RM15.40 billion in FY2023 compared to RM21.10 billion in FY2022. The decrease
                  in revenue by RM5.70 billion resulted from a 17.50% decrease in average product prices and 14.30% decrease in sales
                  volume, which was affected by both the spillover effect of scheduled maintenance undertaken in December 2022 to early
                  2023, as well as the Major Turnaround (TA 2023) undertaken in July and August 2023.
                  Due to plant constraints as highlighted above, production declined as compared to FY2022. This hampered the
                  Company’s ability to maximise its margin for FY2023. In addition, volatility of Gasoil and Jet A1’s cracks especially impacted by
                  the adverse movement in the second quarter of 2023, coupled with hedging losses, further led to gross loss to RM0.1 billion
                  (FY2022: gross profit of RM0.3 billion).

                                                           BRENT OIL PRICE
                                                       Price in US dollars per barrel




                                 Jan   Feb   Mar    Apr   May    Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov    Dec
                                                              2023     2022

                  In FY2023, the price of Brent crude oil held at an average   by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
                  of USD83/bbl, which was USD18/bbl lower than its   (OPEC) members. However, weak market sentiment over
                  corresponding FY2022 average. The crude oil price remained   the global economy drove the crude oil prices down during
                  relatively  stable throughout  FY2023, ranging between   the second quarter of 2023. Higher global oil demand and
                  USD75/bbl and USD94/bbl, as compared to FY2022.   additional voluntary production cut by Saudi Arabia and
                                                                    Russia in the third quarter of 2023 propelled the prices
                  Amidst fear of global recession since FY2022, the crude   upward, reaching a peak at USD94/bbl in September 2023.
                  oil price in the first quarter of 2023 was further depressed   Despite that, looming concerns in the fourth quarter of
                  by the collapse of US regional banks in March 2023.   2023 over the global economic growth caused a further
                  Nevertheless, April 2023 had seen a brief hike in the crude   drop in the crude oil prices to USD78/bbl in December 2023.
                  oil price after the announcement on oil production cut made
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