Page 43 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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Financial Reports &
              Governance                Other Information         HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  41

                  CIMAH (Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards)   Community feedback mechanism
                  compliance and stakeholder engagement. We continued   HRC encourages open communication with the public,
                  to uphold our commitment to environmental safety and   and in FY2023, we received only one public complaint
                  community expectations through proactive engagement   regarding noise  emissions  from the  refinery. The  concern
                  and compliance with CIMAH regulations. In March 2023,     was promptly investigated, leading to immediate repairs
                  HRC conducted a dedicated Turnaround engagement     to address the issue. This underscores our dedication to
                  session aligned with CIMAH regulations. The session aimed   addressing community concerns promptly and effectively.
                  to enhance transparency by sharing insights into HRC’s   Community upliftment initiatives
                  operations and TA 2023 activities. Discussions covered   In addition to regulatory compliance, HRC actively contributed
                  potential hazards, emergency plans, and environmental   to community upliftment in 2023. The  ‘Hengyuan Berkat’
                  impacts,  demonstrating  our  commitment  to  safety  and   festive contributions were extended to over 240 families in
                  regulatory compliance.
                                                                    need. Collaborating with a non-government organisation
                  Fenceline community engagements                   (NGO) partner, we participated in the My Kasih Care
                  Recognising the importance of local input, we conducted   programme. Further, we supported local B40 students
                  engagements with fenceline communities to gather   through a  “Back to School” programme and participated
                  feedback, share information, and collaboratively address   in an E-waste collection initiative in collaboration with the
                  specific concerns. These interactions play a vital role in   Department of Environment on Earth Day 2023.
                  building understanding, fostering collaboration, and resolving
                  challenges that may impact the community.

                                                         Strategic Initiative 4
                  Fostering a greener Port Dickson through collaboration   contributed valuable insights toward the shared objective
                  with the local Municipal Council                  of sustainable development in Port Dickson. These sessions
                                                                    serve as a platform for aligning strategies and fostering a
                  As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability
                  and in alignment with our aspiration to achieve    holistic approach to environmental responsibility with key
                  net-zero emissions by 2050, HRC collaborates with the local   stakeholders in the region.
                  Port Dickson municipal council (MPPD). This partnership,   A tangible outcome of this collaborative effort is the
                  established as a public-private initiative, is dedicated to   transformation of an open space area en route to the HRC
                  supporting Port Dickson’s mission of becoming a Low   refinery into a vibrant pocket park. This initiative not only
                  Carbon City by 2030, mirroring our own environmental   enhances the local landscape but also provides the public
                  goals. Through this public-private partnership, we have also   with a green recreational space. Our commitment to this
                                                                    initiative reflects our dedication to playing a vital role in
                                                                    contributing to the city’s local framework plans and green
                                                                    objectives near the refinery.
                                                                    By actively engaging in these initiatives, HRC reinforces
                                                                    its commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen,
                                                                    contributing to the overall well-being of the communities
                                                                    in which we operate.

                                                                        For more details on our Community Engagement initiatives, please refer
                                                                        to pages 65 to 67 of our Sustainability Report 2023.

                   2024 Stakeholder Value Priorities:
                   •  Negotiate term crude oil supply to secure 60-70% of feedstocks requirement
                   •  Continue diversifying our pool of hydrocarbon suppliers and customers
                   •  Continue to maximise refinery margins
                   •  Develop more robust community engagement initiatives to address social needs and contribute positively to local communities
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