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          Each port’s activities are planned around a set philosophy or direction tailored to the needs of its surrounding communities and
          environment, ensuring that they are addressing relevant, impactful issues and setting the right foundations for the future.

                           NORTHPORT                                            JOHOR PORT

         Northport  implements  its  CSR  practices  across the  areas  of   Johor Port upholds a commitment to sustainability, community
         Community Engagement through livelihood support for those   engagement,  and  corporate  responsibility.  By  fostering
         in need, Environmental Stewardship through eco-conscious   partnerships with local communities and stakeholders, Johor
         operations, waste reduction and energy conservation   Port aims to promote a sustainable future, enhance social well-
         initiatives, as well as Transparency and Accountability through   being, and contribute to the broader goals of regional growth
         structured oversight in all its operations including zakat   while maintaining transparent and ethical business practices.
         wakalah distributions.
                                                               The Johor  Port Peduli initiative  is a central component  at
                                                               the heart of Johor Port CSR strategy, designed to carry out
                          PENANG PORT                          Johor  Port’s  vision  of  community  support  and  sustainable
          Penang Port champions a CSR philosophy that embodies
          community engagement and environmental sustainability. By        TANJUNG BRUAS PORT
          actively participating in community initiatives and reducing
          environmental impact, the port aims to contribute positively to   Tanjung Bruas Port plays a vital role in Southeast Asia’s
          the sustainable development of the region.           maritime trade  network due to its  ideal location and status
                                                               as a multipurpose port, being a crucial port in targeted trade
                                                               routes  involving  Southeast  Asia,  China,  India  and  Japan.
                               PTP                             By focusing on these factors, Tanjung Bruas Port leverages
                                                               existing economic relationships and facilitates the movement
          To build a sustainable, accessible, and equitable community   of goods between key markets.
          through growing economic accessibility for Johor, PTP has a
          Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Framework that is divided
          into three main pillars. These are the Eco Lestari Programme
          which focuses on nurturing sustainable green communities and
          practices, the Kasih Lestari Programme which accelerates local
          venture growth through sustainable structure and development
          drivers, and the Harapan Lestari Programme which opens up
          opportunities for the B40/underprivileged groups and equips
          them with essential skills.
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