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Several ports have committed to the modernisation of key infrastructure and the preservation of the environment around its key
communities, with each initiative aimed at ensuring functionality and longevity for generations ahead.
Northport’s commitment to preserving the environment is PTP nurtures a culture of conservation amongst the next
showcased by initiatives such as Gotong Royong programmes, generation under its Eco Lestari programme. Organised by
tree planting, the Ayuh Kitar Semula 3R programme and its Kelab Alami, the port held environmental activities involving
Green Procurement Policy as well as collaborative programmes student ambassadors, or Eco Warriors, from schools around
with key stakeholders, namely Program Penanaman Pokok Gelang Patah. These focused on the topics of 3R – Waste
Bakau with Port Klang Authority, Program Cintai Sungai Klang Management and Mangrove and Compost – Biodiversity
with Klang Royal City Council (MBDK) and participation in the
Klang Sustainable Convention 2024 organised by MBDK. and included workshops, a school project competition, and
Meanwhile during the festive season, Northport collaborated a mangrove excursion and planting activity. Additionally, a
with nearby schools to introduce hydroponic methods for recycling competition was held from February to June 2024
plant cultivation. The schools involved include Sekolah Jenis where the schools managed to collect a total of 1,417.50 kg. PTP
Kebangsaan (Tamil) Taman Sentosa, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan also announced 40 newly appointed Eco Warriors consisting
(Cina) Pandamaran Jaya and SK Rantau Panjang. of 30 secondary students and 10 primary students during its
inaugural HSSES week.
PENANG PORT Other collaborations under the Eco Lestari programme revolved
around water conservation – the Air Kita Programme. About 80
'Eco Knight' students from SK Pendas Laut and SK Tg Kupang
Penang Port demonstrated its commitment to environmental participated in the programme learning about the topic through
conservation by participating in the Planting of One Million a series of engaging activities, including interactive games,
Trees in One Day initiative on Earth Day, where 50 Penang Port
employees alongside 100 students and teachers from SK Mak workshops and hands-on demonstrations.
Mandin, Butterworth came together to plant 250 Calamansi
Lime saplings around the school grounds. JOHOR PORT
Johor Port has utilised the Wakalah Fund for several
infrastructural initiatives. Notably, the fund supported renovation
works and carpet replacement for Surau Abdul Rahman Auf,
upgrades and refurbishments for Surau Al-Jazari at SK LKTP
Maokil 2, and repair and painting works for Masjid Lapangan
Terbang Antarabangsa Senai. Johor Port also contributed to
Sekolah Agama Pontian Besar and SK Mutiara Rini to improve
its facilities and learning environment.
Tanjung Bruas Port contributed to the community infrastructure
of Kampung Balik Bukit by donating 50 chairs and two banquet
tables for their Balai Raya. This donation aims to improve the
facilities for community events and gatherings.