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To the best of its capacity, every port has steadfastly stood by its community’s side, offering support and aid to all in need across
every corner of the nation.
From providing essential aid during the COVID-19 pandemic to PTP nurtures community well-being through key activities
supporting local and international relief missions for disaster under its Kasih Lestari Programme Pillar. These initiatives
victims, Northport has always launched initiatives to create include the Back to School Programmes within the Gelang
positive impacts and make a difference. For 2024, Northport Patah vicinity, in which school supplies were donated to 170
extended its support to communities through Zakat Wakalah students in collaboration with Johor Port Authority (JPA) and
distributions, helping individuals suffering from chronic Educational Department Johor Bahru, the Bubur Lambuk
diseases, major health conditions and disasters such as storms Perdana Distribution Programme where 3,000 containers
and floods. Northport also continued to assist the Asnaf within of Bubur Lambuk were distributed to Local mosques, B40
its community by collaborating with mosque committees in the neighbourhoods, and homes around the Johor Bahru area,
Klang and Port Klang areas. Additionally, the port donated ten and the Mahabbah Ramadan Programme, in which Hari Raya
wheelchairs to Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah in Klang, Aid in the form of food supply box and RM150 cash vouchers
providing essential mobility support to patients in need. were distributed to 250 underprivileged families within Mukim
Tg Kupang and Johor Bahru.
Penang Port has dedicated resources to uplifting
underprivileged communities and supporting those Tanjung Bruas Port is committed to a philosophy of contributing
undergoing health battles. The port provided essential aid to to the community through meaningful CSR initiatives. The port
underprivileged children through Inapan Kasih Sayang during focuses on improving the quality of life for local communities
Hari Raya Aidilfitri, and provided Laksa and waived ferry fares within the port area by supporting welfare programmes, poverty
during the Rumah Terbuka Program Madani Rakyat Utara relief, educational efforts, and environmental sustainability.
event. The port also launched various initiatives to support Through its outreach activities, Tanjung Bruas Port fosters
visually impaired individuals during White Cane Day and World strong, lasting connections and positively impacts the well-
Sight Day in partnership with St. Nicholas Home Penang, and being of communities and the environment.
organised a special day for cancer warriors and their families
in collaboration with the National Cancer Society Malaysia.
Furthermore, the port donated RM5,000 to support Penang
Homes of Hope in the Northern Region of Malaysia.
Through Johor Port Peduli, Johor Port’s CSR activities aimed
at enhancing education, health services and support systems
for vulnerable groups within the community. Johor Port has
supported underprivileged families and students throughout
the year via a selection of curated programmes including
the Jom ke Sekolah programme where Johor Port provided
essential school supplies to 100 underprivileged students
from Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kong Kong Laut and SK
Taman Rinting 1. Additionally, through its Johor Port Prihatin
programme, 250 food boxes were distributed around Muar
and at SK Sri Kota Puteri, while the Jalinan Immarah Ramadan
programme provided an Iftar feast, RM5,000 in duit raya and a
shopping trip for Raya clothes to 50 underprivileged children
from SK Pasir Gudang 1.