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With the next generation’s prospects in mind, some ports held Internal empowerment and outreach are also a priority, and
engaging initiatives focused on nurturing the career interests having a supportive environment that ensures employee well-
of students towards becoming the leaders of tomorrow. being is crucial to the success of every port. Therefore, all
ports have committed to backing employees and their families
through the following programmes and actions.
Northport has consistently promoted industry exploration and NORTHPORT
exposure among aspiring students. This was done through
several initiatives such as Northport’s participation in various Northport intertwines and promotes employee participation and
exhibition events under the Port Klang banner as a platform benefits in its CSR efforts, as seen through two of its prominent
to spread awareness and open job opportunities, and hosting activities during the year. The Program Persediaan Peperiksaan
multiple port visits from institutions such as University Tunku was organised for children of Northport’s employees and
Abdul Rahman, Sunway College, SK St. Anne’s Convent and students from nearby schools to help them prepare for the
more, which provided students with an insightful first-hand SPM examination, while the Ihya’ Ramadan programme was
experience of Northport’s business operations. Northport also organised to embody the spirit of Ramadan among Northport
held a career talk for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students at employees and the underprivileged community, with financial
(SMK) Bandar Baru Sultan Suleiman involving employees from contributions were also provided to widows and orphans of
different fields such as Shift Operations Manager, Marine Pilot deceased Northport employees to help them prepare for the
and Prime Mover Driver. Aidilfitri celebration.
The company continued its support for Penang Football Club Penang Port stands by the side of its employees by
as a platform to support the state’s youth, serving to foster local acknowledging their contributions and enabling them to
football talent and promote sports and active lifestyles in the achieve their full potential. Primarily, the Employee Appreciation
community. Programme was held to celebrate employees who have served
the company for 20 and 30 years alongside retirees, Penang
PTP Port athletes and the graduation of the staff’s children. The port
also prioritises the needs of its employees through the opening
of a physiotherapy centre on its premises, the provision of
Also under its Eco Lestari Programme, the Eco Warriors meals for employees working on the first of Eid al-Fitr, and
participated in a series of soft skills workshops, where they hosting celebratory occasions such as HR Day, Hari Raya Open
were taught skills such as presentation, self-confidence, and House Ceremony and Women’s Day.
leadership. An educational trip to the Kuala Lumpur Eco Film
Festival (KLEFF) 2024 was also held, where about 30 students
from 4 secondary schools participated in various art and eco- PTP
friendly workshops while being inspired by local and international
eco-films. PTP is dedicated to promoting the well-being of its employees
while actively supporting the local community. Two key initiatives
in 2024 that highlight this commitment are the Share the Food
JOHOR PORT with the Homeless during the Month of Fasting campaign, which
is a community outreach programme that allows employees to
Johor Port actively supports many educational initiatives unite and distribute meals to the homeless, and the introduction
to expand knowledge about the port and logistics industry. of four Mother's Rooms for nursing mothers at the port to meet
Through hosting visits and interactive sessions for both students their needs, which underscores PTP’s commitment to inclusivity
and staff, the Port had engaged with various institutions and family-friendly policies.
such as Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Kuala
Lumpur (UniKL), and SMK Taman Kluang Barat. Each session is
thoughtfully crafted to provide valuable insights into key topics JOHOR PORT
such as port management, logistics, career opportunities, and
daily operations through tours and sessions. Johor Port also Johor Port hosts an array of staff benefits for its employees.
hosted 16 international students and their lecturers in the MSc. Staff welfare assistance is provided for instances of staff
Maritime Law & Policy Specialisation programme from World marriage, newborn children and death in the family. The port
Maritime University, Sweden, as part of a 7-day field study. also created the Flying Color Award to recognise children of
members’ who have scored at least 6 A’s in SPM. Johor Port
also acknowledges its long-serving employees by presenting
Long Service Awards in honor of their unwavering dedication
and commitment.