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Building upon these efforts, all ports remain committed to making a difference for their communities in the upcoming year, optimising
their resources and initiatives to maximise impact across various identified key areas.
Northport remains committed to engaging with the community Finally, Tanjung Bruas Port's CSR initiatives for the future
and championing ESG principles through various CSR will focus on the key priorities of poverty alleviation through
programmes aligned with its InCITE Core Values. These targeted support, educational empowerment through
programmes will be designed to promote local community accessibility efforts, welfare initiatives centred around health
development that contributes to realising a sustainable future. and well-being, and environmental sustainability through
conservation and eco-friendly practices. It is the port’s hope
PTP will align its efforts on several key initiatives for its diverse that these initiatives could make a real difference in fostering
communities, with the RATU Women Empowerment Project sustainable development and community well-being, leading
promoting women’s economic independence and equality by to a better future for everyone.
providing access to resources, skills, markets, and supportive
policies under its Harapan Lestari programme. The Eco Lestari
programme will also be continued, with Eco Knights and UTHM
for primary and secondary schools respectively. The following
year’s focus for primary schools will be placed on practical
exposure through fun experiences relevant to the 3 themes
of waste management, urban gardening, and biodiversity
conservation while secondary school students will learn new
additional skills in communication, teamwork and leadership
incorporated within the five environmental themes of Water
Science Education, Waste Management, Energy Efficiency,
Urban Gardening and Biodiversity Conservation.
Meanwhile, Penang Port is exploring CSR initiatives under the
focus areas of environmental conservation and community
engagement, actively planning initiatives such as mangrove
reforestation and youth eco-champion programmes that aim
to protect coastal ecosystems and inspire future generations.
Community empowerment remains the core focus of Johor
Port, with the Port committing funds to ongoing and future
initiatives on education and disaster relief programmes.
The Port is also collaborating with Government Agencies,
educational institutions, and community organisations in order
to align its CSR efforts with global development goals such as
the UNSDGs. The Johor Port Peduli initiative aims to continue
enhancing the quality of life for local residents as well as
supporting social and environmental stewardship.