Page 143 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 143

Financial Reports &
              Governance                                          HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023 141
                                        Other Information


            26  BORROWINGS (continued)
                                                                                                2023          2022
                                                                                              RM’000        RM’000
                 Detailed below are changes in liabilities arising from financing activities:

                 At 1 January                                                               1,608,947      798,297
                 Proceeds from borrowings                                                   1,562,225    2,740,325
                 Repayment of borrowings (includes interest paid)                          (1,584,496)    (1,884,752)
                 Non-cash changes:
                   - Interest accrued                                                         91,110        49,321
                   - Amortisation of upfront and commitment fees for borrowings                3,387         2,563
                   - Capitalisation of upfront and commitment fees for borrowings                  -         (7,218)
                   - Effect of exchange rate changes                                          39,708        (89,589)
                 At 31 December                                                             1,720,881    1,608,947

                 As at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Company does not have any unsecured borrowings, except for
                 short-term loans amounting to RM157,000,000 (2022: nil).
                 On 12 September 2022, the refinancing programme undertaken by the Company has been completed with the execution of its
                 refinancing plan via the establishment of:
                 (a)  An unrated medium term notes programme of up to RM5,000,000,000 in nominal value (“MTN Programme”), which will be
                    issued in tranches over a tenure of 30 years via bought deal or private placement, and
                 (b)  A multi-currency revolving credit (“RC”) facilities comprising of:
                    (i)  USD RC facility of up to USD235,000,000, and
                    (ii) MYR RC facility of up to RM250,000,000.

                 The  financing  facilities  will  be  utilised  towards  refinancing  of  the  Company’s  existing  borrowings,  funding  of  the  planned
                 upgrade and maintenance projects and meeting working capital requirements.
                 Details of the facilities are set out below:

                 •  First  issuance  of  the  MTN  (“MTN  Tranche  1”)  under  the  MTN  Programme  amounting  to  RM680,000,000  is  repayable  in
                   instalments over a 5-year period.
                 •  RC facilities are short term with a tenure of up to 12 months in which the RC facilities may be renewed for the same period
                   following an annual review.
                 •  MTN Tranche 1 is subject to interest at KLIBOR + 1.35% per annum, while RC facilities are subject to interest at USD Costs
                   of Funds + 1.50% per annum for USD RC facility and KLIBOR + 1.35% per annum for MYR RC facility.
                 •  The borrowings are secured against the Company’s lands, oil refinery, plant and plant assets.
                 The effective interest rates of the Company’s borrowings at the end of the reporting period ranged between 4.72% to 7.25%
                 (2022: 4.02% to 6.55%) per annum.

                 The fair value of borrowings outstanding as at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022 approximated its carrying amount.
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