Page 136 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 136

134    About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            15  LEASES (continued)
                 (iv)  Extension options and termination options
                     Extension and termination options are included in lease contracts across the Company. Lease terms are negotiated on
                     an individual basis and contain a wide range of different terms and conditions. Extension and termination options are
                     included, when possible, to provide greater flexibility. The individual terms and conditions used vary across the lease
                     In cases in which the Company is not reasonably certain to exercise an optional extended lease term, payments associated
                     with the optional period are not included within lease liabilities. In the current and previous financial year, the Company
                     did not exercise any extension option, therefore no financial effect recognised in lease liabilities. However, the Company
                     modified two of its lease contracts in the current financial year. Gain on modification of lease contract is included in
                     “other income” line item in the profit or loss.
                     Some of the lease agreements contain termination options. These options are used to limit the period to which the
                     Company is committed to individual lease contracts and to maximise operational flexibility. For these lease agreements,
                     recognised lease liabilities do not include potential future rental payments after the exercise date of termination options
                     because the Company is not reasonably certain to extend the lease beyond that date. This is the case for most leases for
                     which a longer lease term can be enforced only by the Company and not by the lessor, and for which there is no penalty
                     associated with the option.
                 (v)   Movement in lease payables and changes in lease liabilities arising from leasing activities is as below:
                                                                                                2023          2022
                                                                                              RM’000        RM’000
                     At 1 January                                                              8,105        16,101
                     Repayment of lease liabilities                                            (7,373)      (8,355)
                     Non-cash changes:
                       - Additions                                                               409             -
                       - Modification on lease contracts                                        (297)            -
                       - Interest expense (Note 8)                                                68          359
                     At 31 December                                                              912         8,105
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